Page 3 - 2018 Leadership Conference
P. 3

Breakout Session 2

                                                     3:55 pm to 4:45 pm

                          201: Foundations of Leading with Agility in our Data-Driven Digital World

                          Traditional leadership processes are familiar to all of us. The Digital World has created
                          an environment of uncertainty needing more flexibility and analysis which adds to how
                          we approach problems when we have 360 data available for all stakeholders. In Leader-
                          ship Circles, this creates an environment that says: “the problem isn’t the problem; our
                          relationship to the problem is our problem.” Leaders have the foundational skills, but with
                          the continual unprecedented pace of data complexity and uncertainty in our situations,
                          frequently we are out of synch with what the current context demands and we have the
                          tendency to substitute/fallback on our previously learned reactions which come from the
                          more stable environment such as: survival instincts, mental panic for control, act before
                          thinking, analysis paralysis, abdicate responsibility. Leaders need additional data-driven
                          leadership techniques to apply when frequent disruption situations occur – this is where
                          we can apply agile leadership techniques.
                          Presented by: Dr. Gary Berg - Ottawa University

          202: Dynamic Traits of a Leader—Empowerment of Others

          During the past 50 years our world and education cultures have rapidly changed.
          Education Leadership has significantly changed, and is much different from what it
          was 50 or even 5 years ago. It can no longer succeed by employing the military hi-
          erarchy—top down forms of leadership. Or, “Don’t ask questions—just do as I say”.
          It’s time to employ new “Dynamic Traits of Leadership—Empowerment of Others” by
          employing: Innovative Leadership; Transformational Relationships; Visionary Strate-
          gic and Tactical Planning; and Collective Impact Models.
          Utilization  of  “Dynamic  Traits  of  a  Leader”—Empowerment  of  Others  will  provide
          participants with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to increase a positive workplace
          and culture through the “Empowerment of Others”. Participants will be provided an
          arsenal of “Leadership Trait Skill-Sets” that affirms “Leaders are rarely, if ever, born”.
          Leaders must possess traits which help them motivate and lead others.

          “Dynamic Traits of a Leader—Empowerment of Others” is a highly interactive, robust,
          and purpose-driven mini-seminar that will increase, not only the awareness of “Dy-
          namic Traits of a Leader”, but  enable each participant to actualize their knowledge
          and abilities to “Value”, “Internalize”, “Organize”, and “Characterize” the major prin-
          ciples of the “Dynamic Traits of a Leader—Empowerment of Others”.
          Presented by: Don Covey

                          203: Selecting the Right Diplomacies for Effective Performance Evaluation

                            This session will help you discover the proper diplomacies when giving per-
                            formance evaluation. The facilitator will provide tactics for conducting effec-
                            tive performance evaluation. Participants will learn how to identify their own
                            leadership style, development level of the individual getting the evaluation,
                            select proper model, and will learn how to handle likely outcomes when giving
                            performance evaluation.
                            Presented by: Dr. Lily Davidov - Ottawa University
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