Page 6 - 2018 Leadership Conference
P. 6

Breakout Session 5

                                                    11:00 am to 11:50 am

                                501: What’s Love got to do with Leadership?

                                Exploring the concept of relational leadership in hiring, training, and treating

                                Presented by: Dr. Patricia Hernandez - Ottawa University

          502: What is the History of Arizona School Finance and
                  What it Could be in the Future

          What have been the major changes in school finance laws in Ari-
          zona and what has been the impact on school districts? What do
          some proposals presented to statewide voters tend to fail and
          others tend to pass? What has happened to per pupil funding
          for public schools over the years? What are future educational
          issues that have been identified by elected officials? Will we con-
          tinue to see “Red” in the future?

          Presented by: Dr. Chuck Essigs - Arizona Association of School
          Business Officials & Chris Kotterman - Arizona School Boards

                                              503: Providing Leadership with Increased Public Scrutiny

                                              Dealing with corruption while continuing to meet your primary
                                              mission of providing a high quality education to students. How
                                              to succeed and restore confidence in your district.
                                              Presented by: Attorney Michelle Marshall - Scottsdale Unified
                                              School District & Attorney Susan Segal - Gust Rosenfeld

           Lunch & Networking

                              12:00 pm to 1:00 pm


                                                         1:00 pm

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