Page 5 - 2018 Leadership Conference
P. 5
Friday's Agenda
October 26, 2018
Continental Breakfast
8:00 am to 9:00 am
Welcome & Keynote
9:00 am to 9:50 am
Creativity and the Role of the Leader
Keynote Address: Leadership has long been the key to success as an
individual in business and in the military; however, you seldom see
creativity at the forefront of that leadership success. How to merge
the two as being an essential combination for success and how to be
a leader with that mysterious quality of creativity.
Presented by: Pete Reiniger - Ottawa University
Breakout Session 4
10:00 am to 10:50 am
401: What’s Love got to do with Leadership?
Exploring the concept of relational leadership in hiring, training,
and treating employees.
Presented by: Dr. Patricia Hernandez - Ottawa University
402: Dynamic Traits of a Leader—Empowerment of Others
Please see presentation description on page 3.
Presented by: Don Covey
403: Providing Leadership with Increased Public Scrutiny
Dealing with corruption while continuing to meet your primary
mission of providing a high quality education to students. How
to succeed and restore confidence in your district.
Presented by: Attorney Michelle Marshall - Scottsdale Unified
School District & Attorney Susan Segal - Gust Rosenfeld
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