Page 8 - The Edge - Fall 2019
P. 8


               BY DON HARRIS

               Tracking of Students on School

               Buses Is a Safety Issue, Expert Says

              Tracking students electronically as they get on and o   a   tracking system that uses radio frequency identi  cation cards,
            school bus can provide multiple bene  ts, AASBO members  commonly referred to as RFIDs.
            were told by an expert in the   eld.                     Basically, a student scans their RFID card when getting on
              Chance  Waid,  Sales  Executive,  Southwest  US  School  or o   a school bus. If the school gets a call from a parent saying
            Bus Division, Seon, a major supplier of mobile surveillance  they haven’t heard from their child, the school will know what
            equipment for the bus and coach industry, said the system lets  bus the student boarded, if he or she is still onboard or where
            a school district know, in real time, who is on which bus.  they got o  , Waid said.
              It can provide parents with peace-of-mind if their child is   Getting  a tracking program up and running takes  time,
            late coming home from school, Waid said. In addition, it takes  said Waid, who o  ered several suggestions for transportation
            a burden o   school bus drivers who have enough to do, without  directors.
            trying to keep track of who is onboard.                  It’s important to get the word out to parents, students,
                 e easy part of launching such a program, Waid said, is   the community, principals, all departments in the school
            choosing a vendor. He stressed the importance of having a
                                                                                                 CONTINUED ON PAGE 10

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