Page 10 - The Edge - Fall 2019
P. 10
STUDENTS ON SCHOOL BUSES watch the cars at the same time, and who got on and o at every
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 8 stop. is helps them tremendously.”
Of course, the driver has to make sure the student swipes
the RFID card. “ e system is only as good as it’s put into use.”
district, and bus drivers about your proposal. To some people, Another bene t is that drivers bond with students, Waid
“tracking” is a considiered dirty word, Waid said. said. “ ey interact with them, get to know them. Drivers have
“You may have to deal with public fears,” Waid said. “ ere di erent skill sets – some just drive and some are chatterboxes.
may be pushback from the district. Even transportation peers A relationship starts building.”
may have some reservations. Parents may have concerns. With regard to special ed students who might have di culty
Explain the purpose to them. Assure them that you are not scanning a card, the drivers could have all of those students’
going to put a chip implant in their child and follow them all cards on a ring and swipe it for them, Waid suggested.
over campus, 24-7. It will only tell you who is on that bus and e system can be used for reporting student counts. Some
where did that student get o that bus.” districts use the results for their annual reports, noting how
Waid pointed out that students don’t always get o at the many students rode buses.
same stop every day. Sometimes they’ll get o with a friend and To be successful, you should tie into an existing program,
go to the friend’s house. such as a lunch program or a student ID program, Waid said.
“We live in a texting world, but maybe the mom didn’t see If it’s just a transportation card, it will get lost quickly, but if it’s
the student’s text,” Waid said. tied into the lunch program, students will take care of it. “ at’s
It is vitally important to get buy-in from the bus drivers. a card they need,” he said.
Discuss it with your team. “You can turn drivers into champions He also said the bus card should contain no personal
– get them to embrace it because it helps them,” Waid said. information that could be decoded, just a number. e tracking
“Now, we rely on the driver to remember whether Timmy got goes directly to the school’s database.
o at his usual stop. is alleviates the pressure on drivers. We
ask drivers to do everything – drive the bus, watch the mirror, CONTINUED ON PAGE 12
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10 THE EDGE | FALL 2019