Page 12 - The Edge - Fall 2019
P. 12

            CONTINUED FROM PAGE 10                                      “Parents may have concerns. Explain the

                                                                     purpose to them. Assure them that you are not
              When is the best time to launch the program?    e worst
            time, Waid said, is at the beginning of the school year when   going to put a chip implant in their child and
            things are somewhat disorganized. “It’s not like buying some
            hardware or software,” Waid said. “It’s challenging. It takes time   follow them all over campus, 24-7. It will only
            to get the messaging out there.  You need to plan on working   tell you who is on that bus and where did that
            out the kinks on all levels, such as with students, parents and
            drivers.”                                                           student get off   that bus.”
              You need to know who the students are, who their parents
            are, and where they live. Some districts say the program is   — Chance Waid, Sales Executive, Southwest US School Bus Division, Seon
            mandatory and will not allow a child on a bus if the parent
            doesn’t want to be the program, Waid said.             who is on the bus is nothing new. We have technology that
              Start small,   rst with K-6 grades, he said.    en the following  exists today. In ten years, it will be standard. You can be in front
            year you can expand to middle and high school.         of the curve.”
              A major concern from the public is that Big Brother is   Waid’s   nal message: “Don’t forget the main goal – who is
            watching – fears over privacy, Waid said.              on the bus?”
              If you’ve ever boarded a plane, you have to check in   rst.
            “You can’t just get on. TSA wants to know who is on that plane,”  Chance Waid can be reached at: or (877)
            Waid said. “   e same thing applies to a school bus. Knowing   630-7366 or cell, (832) 702-6514.

               Crowdfunding best practices

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               AM-C04381 (Jan. 19)                                                         

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