Page 14 - AASBO Winter 2018.indd
P. 14


             BY DON HARRIS

             Yale Economist Questions Whether School

             Choice Has Positive Impact on Segregation

              School choice among districts doesn’t necessarily provide   He mentioned three factors – parents don’t care exclusively
            better access to quality schools for Hispanic students, a Yale  about test scores, location matters, and choice does not occur in
            University economics expert told members of three public school  a vacuum.
            organizations.                                            “Choice alone is not su   cient to integrate schools or provide
              Matthew Hom, a Yale University Economics PhD candidate,  every child with a quality education,” he said.
            also touched on whether school choice a  ects segregation. Hom, a   Hom raised the question of whether students use choice to
            Tucson native, discussed his research at the Legislative Workshop  attend so-called “better” schools. “Within the context of district
            sponsored by the Arizona School Boards Association, AASBO and  open enrollment, that’s not true,” Hom said. “Many parents opt into
            the Arizona School Administrators. He noted that his presentation  schools that perform no better – and sometimes worse – than their
            on open enrollment covers both inter-district and intra-district  neighborhood option.”
            movement in Maricopa County.                             Another question: “Does school choice reduce racial
              “A student’s experience with school choice depends upon who  segregation?”    e answer, Hom said, is no. He suggested that
            they are, where they live, and whether they expect to be part of the  segregation would be lower under a neighborhood assignment
            majority or the minority at a school,” Hom said.
                                                                                                  CONTINUED ON PAGE 15

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           14                                                                           THE EDGE              WINTER 2018
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