Page 10 - AASBO Winter 2018.indd
P. 10


             BY DON HARRIS

             Douglas Emphasizes Support for Teacher Pay Raise,

             Proposition 301 Extension and Expansion

              State Superintendent of Public Instruction Diane               By dedicating the additional funding to teacher
            Douglas  re-emphasized  her  strong  support  for              salaries and to schools as she recommends, that would
            increasing teachers’ salaries and for extending and            provide close to an 11 percent raise for teachers.    e
            expanding Proposition 301.                                     average teacher would receive nearly a $5,000 raise per
              In an address to members of three public school              year, she said.
            organizations on Nov. 17, Douglas said, “   ere is no            An extra $5,000 a year will pay for the average teacher’s
            duty  we  have more  important  than  educating our            annual student loan, she said.
            children.”                                                       Regarding addition funds for maintenance and repairs,
              Douglas, a former school board member, kicked o              Douglas recalled that when she was a board member
            the Legislative Workshop sponsored by the Arizona              the funds came from the School Facilities Board. Now
            School Boards Association, Arizona Association  Douglas        schools have to apply for a grant, she said.
            of School Business O   cials, and Arizona School                 Douglas cautioned against asking for too much in a
            Administrators, saying, “I know the challenges you deal with.”  ballot measure, or voters might reject everything.
              Douglas told of traveling around the state as part of her We   Touting her Read20 AZ campaign, Douglas said, “Studies have
            Are Listening Tour. She heard one                                             shown that when a parent reads to a
            key message repeatedly, whether  “We need to pay our teachers better. That    child or a child reads to a parent just
            it was from urban or rural, liberal   is why I’m advocating for the extension   20 minutes a day, the child’s reading
            or conservative, Republican or                                                skills develop dramatically.”
            Democrat: “Overwhelmingly, what   and expansion of Proposition 301 to a full    Douglas also mentioned the
            I heard, Arizonans have told me                                               Arizona Broadband for Education
            they want their teachers to be paid   one cent immediately and permanently.   Initiative, which uses federal grant
            better,” Douglas said.            It’s hard to believe it’s almost 20 years   money to provide broadband internet
              Within the   rst three years on                                             access to underserved and rural
            the job, 42 percent of Arizona    already (since it was passed by voters)     schools at little or no cost.
            teachers are leaving the profession.                                            With the help of the Arizona
            Arizona is ranked 49th for high    and it will be sunsetting very soon.”      Corporation Commission, the state
            school teacher pay and dead last in   — State Superintendent of Public Instruction Diane Douglas  will receive more than $100 million
            elementary school teacher pay.                                                of federal dollars with the mission of
              “   at’s not acceptable!” Douglas said.              connecting every student in Arizona to broadband, Douglas said.
                 e superintendent recalled that she advocated a 5 percent   Although it’s a federal grant, Douglas said, “It’s really our money.
            pay raise for teachers last year, but the governor and Legislature     e federal government just gives it back.”
            were only able to pass a phased-in 2 percent raise.      Already more than 100 schools and 80,000 students are signed
              “We need to pay our teachers better,” she said. “   at is why  up for this once-in-a-generation initiative, she said.
            I’m advocating for the extension and expansion of Proposition   On another issue, Douglas said she did not support Senate Bill
            301 to a full one cent immediately and permanently. It’s hard  1042 which would have lowered teacher certi  cation standards in
            to believe it’s almost 20 years already (since it was passed by  order to attract more teachers. “We need to raise standards,” she
            voters) and it will be sunsetting very soon.”          said. “We need to focus on increasing teacher salaries to help retain
              Prop. 301 – a six-tenths of a cent sales tax – generates more  and attract the best candidates.”
            than $640 million annually, with about $500 million going to   Douglas also commented on the A-F accountability system,
            K-12 education. If Arizonans decide to expand Prop. 301 to   saying she doesn’t believe that a single grade should de  ne a school.
            1 percent, it will generate around $400 million in additional  She favors a more comprehensive grading system, whereby a school
            funding for education every year.                      is rated on such things as extracurricular activities, the school’s
              Douglas said she proposes that three-fourths of the  mission, transportation data, test data, free-and-reduced lunch
            additional money – $300 million – go to teachers’ salary and  data, as well as other factors, helping parents and students make
            $100 million to facilities.                            the best choice for their education.

           10                                                                           THE EDGE              WINTER 2018
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