Page 5 - AASBO Winter 2018.indd
P. 5


                            BY RICKY D. HERNANDEZ

                            Let’s Seize the Moment in the

                            New Year for Arizona’s Kids

              On behalf of your AASBO Board of Directors and sta   and my   Last month, I took my two boys to watch the movie, “Coco.”
            own family, I hope everyone has a blessed holiday season! During  My boys and I were amazed at the traditions from our cultural
            this time of year, we are reminded about the special people in our  roots as Mexican-Americans. Two big lessons I took away from
            lives and the amazing things that we have accomplished during  the movie are – family is everything and we must always seize our
            the past 12 months. Public education continues to be one of the  moment. Our schools, our teachers, our students – they are part of
            singular greatest gi  s that our communities bestow on our kids. It  our family. What we do to support them will help ensure that we
            is more than just a path toward moving people out of poverty, but  build a legacy in the lives of each of the students entrusted to our
            it is also a part of creating dynamic, engaged citizens.    care.    e example of the Save Our Schools initiative to push back
              We’ve faced plenty of challenges during the past year and  against ESAs was a prime impetus to show this is our moment to
            together we’ve come to realize that our greatest strength in each  seize. We need to ride the wave of commitment to public education.
            of our communities is how we are capable of overcoming those  It’s important that we size this opportunity to make great things
            through perseverance and unity.    e dynamics of each of our  happen for our students and their schools.
            communities help build the unique legacy in each of our students   Our responsibility now  is to re  ect on what our  individual
            through the power of education. We continue to face challenges  commitments will be to this moment. In the book, “   e Leadership
            in our schools and for our kids, but it’s going to take all of us –  Challenge” by Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner, they present the   ve
            together – to continue to push forward in doing what’s right for our  practices of exemplary leaders. As leaders in our community
            schools. It is easy to go through the motions of ALL the di   culties  entering  2018, we must ask ourselves: Do I model the way?  Do I
            we’ve encountered – the ESA expansion; capital funding cuts; no  inspire a shared vision?  Do I challenge the process?  Do I enable
            full day Kindergarten; low teacher pay; special education funding  others to act?  Do I encourage the heart?
            issues – and the list goes on. I have no illusions that these are not      ank you to everyone for all the work you do for our students,
            di   cult challenges. Ou r state MUST overcome these if we are to  our schools and our communities. I wish you all many blessings for
            stay true to the promise we make to our kids.          in the New Year!  ¡Adelante!


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