Page 7 - AASBO Winter 2018.indd
P. 7
Lack of Information Plus Political Philosophy
Hurts Support for Public Education
It is o en a frustrating experience trying suggestions. As Je puts it, “People who know
to discuss education nance and the very little can truly believe themselves
impact the severe funding cuts have experts because they can’t tell the
had in running school districts over di erence.”
the past ten years. I frequently When you consider the
nd myself thinking that the billions of dollars in cuts to
person, who is undoubtedly public education, the increase
an educated and thoughtful in class sizes, the relative
citizen, actually has such loss of teacher pay over
little knowledge about the the years when factoring
true situation that they end in the negative effects
up offering suggestions of inflation, and the
like, “Why don’t you increased expectations
just pay teachers more, of “performance” – as
then you wouldn’t have a measured by the outcomes
teacher shortage crisis and of standardized tests – one
you would attract higher can’t help but wonder if some
caliber candidates.” of our policymakers haven’t
eir lack of information, become overly submerged in
combined sometimes with a the Dunning-Kruger e ect.
political philosophy that frowns As we enter into the New Year,
upon taxpayer support for public AASBO and the entire education
education, actually leads them to community stands ready to provide
believe that they have, in fact, a rather accurate and timely information so that
easy solution to what ails K-12 education our policymakers are well informed as to
and why don’t we simply implement this or that the crisis facing public education in Arizona. We
solution. would also ask that our members continue to engage and
I have since come to learn that there is a name for this connect with their legislative representatives in order to
phenomenon called the Dunning-Kruger E ect, named increase our political voices with those who are tasked with
a er two Cornell University psychologists who gave safeguarding the future generation.
a large group of people tests and then asked them how Lastly, I want to take this opportunity to thank all of
they thought they did. As described by Je Hester, the our members who have volunteered their time, energy
astrophysicist who keynoted our Annual Conference a and commitment with their involvement in the various
few years ago, “Kruger and Dunning were startled by AASBO committees. From the Professional Development
what they found. Almost everyone who took the tests Planning Committee to the Membership and Scholarship
were sure they did much better than average. at was Committee, the Data Analysis Committee, the Board of
even true for the very worst performers, who wildly Directors, the Legislative Committee and the all-important
overestimated their scores. At the same time, the very Conference Planning committees, our e orts together have
best performers typically underestimated how they did.” continued to keep AASBO as a leading contributor for
So, what they discovered is that the people who don’t professional development, legislative and policy advocacy,
have the information or skills needed to do well on a and connectivity for our members. ank you for all of
test, also don’t have enough information to be able to your e orts and I wish everyone a happy and prosperous
assess their own performance or gauge the value of their New Year.