Page 19 - AASBO Winter 2018.indd
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Tucson’s Casa de los Niños Receives AASBO
Contribution from Duck Race Proceeds
Casa de los Niños, a Tucson nonpro t and the children and website states: “Our deep-rooted community connection acts as a
families they serve, are bene tting from an Arizona Association of guiding force for Casa de los Niños’ vision to increase the number
School Business O cials contribution made possible by AASBO’s of children and families living safe and healthy lives. We deliver a
popular Duck Race. continuum of services – evidence-based and best practice models
AASBO Executive Director David Lewis and AASBO President meld together prevention, intervention, and treatment strategies to
Ricky Hernandez presented a check for $11,500 to o cials of Casa e ectively address the needs of at-risk children and their families
de los Niños shortly before anksgiving. Also on hand were Lizette within our community.”
Huie of Sahuarita Uni ed School District, AASBO’s Treasurer, and Casa de los Niños partners with families so every child can be
Russell Deneault of Glendale Elementary School District, AASBO’s raised in a healthy home. Last scal year, the nonpro t’s programs
Director of Technology. served more than 6,000 kids and close to 4,000 families, which is a
AASBO has been awarding checks to nonpro ts since the testament to the great need in southern Arizona. It provides a broad
first Duck Race was held during the association’s Summer range of services thanks to e orts and dedication of more than 300
Conference and Expo in 2010. Previous recipients have included employees and a corps of community volunteers who work together
the Association of Arizona Food Banks and Phoenix’s Downtown to comprise a formidable team dedicated to making child well-
Urban Community Kids – or Duck. being and family stability the norm throughout the community.
e mission of Casa de los Niños is to promote child well- CONTINUED ON PAGE 20
being and family stability in the community. e nonpro t’s
Smart nancing for public education
Stifel is proud to o er Arizona school districts comprehensive
investment banking and nance consulting services.
Bob Casillas Grant Hamill Michael LaVallee
Managing Director Managing Director Managing Director
Bryan Lundberg Mark Reader Randie Stein
Managing Director Managing Director Director
Erika Coombs Sandra Day
Director Vice President
East Camelback Road, Suite
Phoenix, Arizona AASBO President Ricky Hernandez and Executive Director David Lewis (center), and second from left Treasurer Lizette Huie and Director of Technology Russell
Deneault participated in a check presentation ceremony with of cials of Casa de los Niños in Tucson.
Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated | Member SIPC & NYSE | nance 19