Page 23 - AASBO Winter 2018.indd
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AASBO/OTTAWA LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE making” by Anabel Aportela, Director of Research and Student
Achievement Analysis for AASBO and the Arizona School Boards
Barragan, AASBO President-elect and Executive Director for Business “To me,” Hernandez said, “the session by Jim Dean was really
Services, Avondale Elementary School District. about those inner qualities that really resonated with me about
A er attending the conference, Hernandez said he realized that common – and not so common – traits for good leadership. e
there isn’t one single trait that makes a leader. “It takes a whole host second session was really understanding what the process for making
of abilities that really help develop a true leader,” he said. “More decisions around data really looks like and that it’s more than just
importantly, becoming a leader is more than just about you, but taking a look at facts and gures at face-value, but knowing how to
also about the people around you support your work and how you properly articulate a message to those who want to know more from
support them.” you.”
Ottawa’s Leadership Institute complemented other leadership Barragan said the conference was the perfect opportunity for
training that he has received, Hernandez said. He was particularly school business o cials in their districts to gather together and focus
impressed by a statement from Jim Dean, Assistant Superintendent on leadership.
for Support Services, Dysart Uni ed School District. “He said that “Much of the professional development o ered through AASBO
one aspect of leadership is hiring well,” Hernandez said. “You never is focused on our day-to-day work and operations,” she said. “We
really consider this as a pivotal part of your work, but it’s important don’t o en have the opportunity to focus on this very important
that you have people who can feel empowered – like you – about piece of our jobs – leadership.”
the work that you do and believe in what you do. e kind of people Barragan particularly enjoyed the “Leading with Courage”
around you – on your team – aren’t just about being able to do the workshop by Professor Kirk Wessel of Ottawa. “He took the
everyday tasks. It’s about having people who believe in what you do opportunity to remind us why we do what we do and how we
– together – and who strive to do the best – together. Hiring the right can be courageous in our work as leaders,” she said. “Overall, the
kinds of people isn’t just important for us, but ultimately, it’s a sign of breakout sessions were spot on to important aspects of leadership
developing a healthy organization.” and provided a renewed sense of motivation going into the winter
Hernandez mentioned two breakout sessions that were of special season when we most need a boost.”
bene t to him. One was, “What Makes a Good Leader,” presented
by Jim Dean of Dysart USD, and other was “Data Driven Decision- CONTINUED ON PAGE 24
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