Page 25 - AASBO Winter 2018.indd
P. 25

                             People and Workplaces Are

                             Adapting and Using New Tools
              Back in the early 1980s, I was preparing for a winter trek into the mountains   Waking up the next morning, we both found the interior of our tents
            around Flagsta  . To prepare for a couple of January winter nights in the Inner  covered in ice from the moisture we exhaled through the night. We hiked
            Basin of the San Francisco Peaks, my buddy and I pulled together our cold  from our camp and realized we were a bit o   course. We had to hike due north
            weather gear, food, and tents. We were both young and healthy and ready for  to   nd the Inner Basin.
            the adventure. We did have a map of the area and our compass to point the      e trip turned out well and being a bit o   course actually worked out well
            way.                                                   for us as we were on a south-facing slope that provided full sun, patchy snow,
              But, before we pulled on our 80-plus pound packs, we plotted out the  and plenty of dry   rewood.
            course we would follow to get up the mountain to the Inner Basin.    e      inking back on the adventure, I know we were not really prepared for
            weather was fortunately relatively warm for a January day and we were able to  what we did and could not have survived any kind of snow event. We thought
            climb toward our goal.                                 we had the path laid out, but we actually did not have a good plan before we
              We continued to check our position as we compared what we saw on our  le  .
            map to what was around us. As we began to approach the end of daylight, we      is adventure reminds me of how important planning, preparing, doing,
            decided to make camp where we were in order to get things set up before the  and using checkpoints are to keep us on track. When we think of all the pieces
            below-freezing temperatures arrived for the night.     we manage at work, people are at the forefront of driving our processes, our
              We pulled together wood for a nice warm   re, set up the tents with our  costs, and our success. People impact us in many ways, from support to
            below-zero rated sleeping bags, and pulled out food and beverages. We sat up  budgets to resource allocation. We need people and we need good quality
            for a while talking about the day, keeping the   re stoked, and listening to the
            absolute quiet all around us as we took in all the stars.
                                                                                                  CONTINUED ON PAGE 26

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