Page 22 - AASBO Winter 2018.indd
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AASBO/Ottawa University Leadership Conference
Stressed Motivation, Ethics and Collaboration
Leadership, according to a dictionary de nition, is about mapping Je Gadd, AASBO Director of Education Programs, explained the
out where you need to go to win as a team or an organization, but purpose and goals of the Leadership Institute: “It is intended to provide
while leaders set the direction, they must also use management skills training to school business managers to enhance their supervisory/
to guide their people to the right destination in a smooth and e cient administrative skills in providing leadership in accomplishing district
way. goals.”
In partnership with Ottawa University and its Leadership Institute, AASBO’s partnership with Ottawa University began about
the Arizona Association of School Business O cials staged a two- ve years ago, mainly to provide college degree opportunities for
day Leadership Conference that provided nearly 50 senior business AASBO members. Gadd, who served as master of ceremonies of the
managers and CFOs with a wealth of information and helpful tips Leadership Conference, said Ottawa now o ers a bachelor’s degree in
enabling them to improve their leadership skills. School Business Administration as well as a master’s degree program
e conference, held at the Prescott Resort & Conference Center with a concentration in School Business Operations. “It is tailored to
on October 25-26, o ered breakout sessions covering such topics as: the needs of Arizona’s school business o cials.” Gadd said.
“What to Look for in a Potential Leader,” “Motivating Employees,” Among the attendees were Ricky Hernandez, AASBO President
“ e Role of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership,” “Leading with and CFO of the Pima County Schools Superintendent’s O ce, and Jill
Courage,” “Tips on Being a Successful School Business O cial,”
and “Collaborative Leadership Process.” Most of the presenters were
Ottawa University professors. CONTINUED ON PAGE 23