Page 21 - AASBO Winter 2018.indd
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            CONTINUED FROM PAGE 20                                          “Their number one goal is the well-being

              “Being the   rst Summer Conference Chair from southern Arizona since   of kids. They provide safe, secure and
            Charlotte Gates (from Sahuarita Uni  ed School District a decade ago)   nurturing foster homes for kids, outside
            was the Chair, I wanted to support an organization/cause in southern
            Arizona,” Hernandez said. “More importantly, I wanted to support a   of shelters; they facilitate visitations to
            cause that helps EVERY kid regardless of where they live. Casa de los   help families reunite after kids have
            Niños works to help every child, and their long history in southern
            Arizona certainly felt like something worthy of our support.”     been removed their homes; they help
              A  er seeing many young victims of abuse and neglect while working
            as a nurse in the late 1950s, Sister Mary Kathleen Clark knew what   kids deal with trauma. They provide
            her goal in life was. In November 1973, long before the start of Child   education and outreach by offering
            Protective Services – now the Arizona Department of Child Safety – she
            opened the doors to Casa de los Niños, the   rst crisis nursery of its kind   parenting strategies, including working
            in the nation, in a donated house on the corner of Speedway and Fourth
            Avenue in Tucson.                                                with new, pregnant moms and helping
              It wasn’t long before she realized that it was important to follow-up
            with families and continue to provide support to them. In 1980, Casa   parents prepare with their toddlers
            de los Niños started its   rst parent education program, and in 1982,   when starting schools. They also work in
            Casa de los Niños was given permission by the state to license 10 foster
            homes.                                                           providing behavioral health services to
                 e nonpro  t’s Webster said: “Families are struggling in Tucson – the
            e  ects of poverty on kids and families is very damaging.  We will use   kids and young adults.”
            these funds from AASBO to prevent neglect and intervene when crises    — AASBO President Ricky Hernandez
            do arise. Our goal is to help families stay together in a healthy way.”

                                                Whatever It Takes.

                                                 Our focus always remains to help you provide the
                                                 best education possible, at the best final cost, for
                                                 our most valuable resource – our children.

                                                                                                     AZ ROC 080911,
                                                                                                     080910, 138400,

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