Page 26 - AASBO Winter 2018.indd
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PEOPLE AND WORKPLACES ARE ADAPTING e lowest delity in this example would be to provide just general
information about the district/school(s). By outlining what we believe
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 25 represents movement toward HR alignment, we can represent what it might
teams to drive how we do in this fast-paced, always-quickly-moving-forward look like to strengthen the educator workforce in this area. In all key areas, we
world. can and should identify what high delity looks like so we can grow our teams,
People and our workplaces are adapting and using new tools that help boost productivity, engage team members, and produce positive scal results.
us get better every day. Human capital – our people – is no exception to If you look back just ve years to see where we were and where we are
this strategy as we seek to align human resource processes to maximize now, you can just imagine the changes coming our way. We need to be future-
our return on the investment in people. thinking in how we hire and how we use the tools to build aggressive paths to
With the introduction of new minimum wage levels, the push to achieve success in human resource process alignment.
increase teacher salaries, and increasing pressure on salaries for everyone e more energy we put into rethinking how we do human capital
else, we need to introduce better tools into the people process to return management, the greater the reward will be to everyone who is working with
better results for both the employees and the employers. us to create an educational environment that is meaningful and e ective
Innovation Con guration Maps can be used to guide LEAs (local in educating our students. Mapping your course using an innovation
education agencies) to high delity human resource alignment practices con guration map will help to make you better at what you do and will help
in key areas. align district and school paths to success in managing our teams’ success.
In each key HR practice area, we can identify “High Fidelity” strategies When I trekked into the mountains around Flagsta , I could have used
and strategies along the journey to “High Fidelity.” Along the journey, more information, more checkpoints to know that I was on the right path.
we take some snapshots, check out the map, and adjust our strategies to We have more data now than we have ever had. We can make use of this
move closer to “High Fidelity.” information to inform our decisions, to guide us to a place where we are
Within each delity scale, strategies are identi ed that provide honoring our current employees and nding the best future employees. As
a view of that point in the journey in aligning our HR practices. At managers, we are asked every day to do more with less, to be more e ective,
“High Fidelity,” we are reaching for the highest goals to achieve the to make what we do better, and to keep budgets in control with limited sources
innovation we are looking for. In the “Recruitment” example we see that of funding. e time is now to innovate and succeed in nding that right
“High Fidelity” is providing enough information to candidates about camping spot.
competencies necessary to earn performance-based compensation that
they can self-select out of the process if they don’t feel they can perform Richard Eagan M.S., is Financial Business Systems Specialist, Maricopa
at that level. County Education Service Agency. He can be reached at (602) 372-9135.
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