Page 27 - The Edge - Spring 2016
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Let’s Recognize Outstanding School Business
O cials — Member of the Year Will Be Awarded a
Free Room at Starr Pass for 2017 Summer Conference
Look around your o ce, shop or workplace. You’re certain to MEMBER OF THE YEAR AWARD
see an AASBO colleague who measures up to the organization’s
standards and in fact excels at their profession. More than All AASBO members who receive a Gold Award are eligible
likely, you won’t have any trouble nding one or more Arizona for the Member of the Year Award. e Board of Directors,
Association of School Business O cials members who deserve voting by secret ballot, will select the recipient of the award. For
special recognition. the second year in a row, the Member of the Year will receive a
e deadline for submitting nominations is May 27. at complimentary room stay at the J.W. Marriott Starr Pass Resort
might seem a long way o , but by the time we wrap up our Spring and Spa for AASBO‘s 2017. is award honors an AASBO member
Conference in Laughlin, Nevada, AASBO will be fully involved in whose contributions are considered particularly noteworthy.
preparation for the 2016 Summer Conference and Expo. at’s
where our award winners will be announced.
Here are the AASBO awards and what it takes to win one: CONTINUED ON PAGE 28
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