Page 30 - The Edge - Spring 2016
P. 30
Lesko bill would eliminate most
school desegregation funding
Sen. Debbie Lesko is again trying to eliminate a tax mechanism property taxes thanks to the state- and court-authorized taxing
that allows some Arizona school districts to raise millions of dollars method. And school o cials argue that they are under strict
in funding allotted for desegregation and student achievement scrutiny from courts and the U.S. O ce of Civil Rights, and would
e orts. be thrown into legal trouble if they don’t continue to utilize the
e Peoria Republican’s SB1125, which advanced through the taxes.
Senate Finance Committee on Feb. 10 by a 3-2 party-line vote, Lesko said the segregation-related issues are no longer a
would eventually leave more than a dozen school districts millions problem.
of dollars short of their normal spending levels. It would phase out “We think this is something that has long since passed needing
a funding mechanism that allows district o cials to levy property to be xed,” she said during the Senate Finance Committee hearing.
taxes beyond their budget limits, with the caveat that the extra Lesko also argued that it’s unfair to neighboring school districts
money is used to remedy racial discrimination in schools. that may have a similar racial makeup of their student body
A corresponding bill, HB2401, is awaiting a hearing in the and similar issues, but can’t raise funds beyond their budgeted
House. amount. Kevin McCarthy, president of the Arizona Tax Research
Nineteen Arizona school districts levy those extra taxes for Association, said there’s no legal obligation for 18 of those school
desegregation funding. e Phoenix Union High School District districts to even use the extra tax levy. Besides, the issues related
alone raised roughly $55.8 million in scal year 2015 in additional
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