Page 32 - The Edge - Spring 2016
P. 32


              BY HOWARD FISCHER
              Percentage of money spent on instruction

              reaches new low in Arizona

              Arizona schools spent less of the money they received last   Between 2004 and 2015, total per pupil spending actually
            year in the classroom than in any of the 15 years the state has  decreased $424 when inflation is taken into account. That
            been keeping track.                                    includes the years where the governor and Legislature illegally
              The new report from the Auditor General’s Office found  ignored a 2000 voter mandate to boost state aid annually to
            that just 53.6 cents out of every dollar spent to educate  account for inflation.
            Arizona youngsters in 2015 went for instruction. That includes   What happened during that same time, the audit says, is
            everything from teachers, aides and even coaches to supplies  classroom spending decreased by an even larger amount
            like pencils and papers and some activities like band or choir.  at $629 per pupil, as spending in other operational areas
              Aside from being at the lowest point since the agency  increased or remained relatively steady.
            started looking at the issue in 2001, it also is 7.2 cents below
            the national average.
              But this is about more than percentages. The report also
            says there are fewer dollars going to schools overall.                                CONTINUED ON PAGE 38

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