Page 23 - The EDGE Winter 2022
P. 23

and meet students’ nutritional needs until our food  School  Food  Authority,  they  receive  the  federal
        service was able to take over the program.              reimbursement and commodity allowance for the
                                                                meals served.
        In  October  2021,  Arizona  Food  Bank  Network
        received a grant from Share Our Strength/No Kid  Debbie served as Food Service Director in Gilbert
        Hungry to hire two consultants, Debbie McCarron,  Public Schools for 28 years, and catered meals to
        RD and me, to reach out to traditional K-12 school  the Thomas J. Pappas School for homeless students.
        districts with the ability to cater meals to charter  The school served as a safety net for struggling
        schools.                                                homeless, underprivileged, and at-risk youth.

        Arizona has approximately 560 charter schools, and  Feeding  children  in  vulnerable  populations  is  a
        only half participate in the National School Lunch  greatly needed service, and every child, regardless
        Program. A study last year revealed that many of the  of where they attend school, deserves access to
        charter schools would like to feed their students, but  the food they need to thrive. If your Food Service
        they lack kitchens or staff with expertise to manage  Department  has  the  capacity  to  cater  meals  to
        the  program.  Some  do  not  qualify  as  sponsors  charter schools in your attendance area, please
        because they are owned by for-profit companies.         contact Debbie or me. If you have the need for a
                                                                supper program or weekend food backpacks, we
        One of the best ways to close the gap with charter  can help refer you to members of the Arizona Food
        schools is to work with successful K-12 child  Bank Network team who can help.
        nutrition programs. Many child nutrition programs
        could benefit from catering to charter schools to       Kathy Glindmeier, a consultant for Arizona Food Bank Network,
        increase their participation. Since the district is the   can be reached at:

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