Page 25 - The EDGE Winter 2022
P. 25


                          BY RICK HALL
                          Purchasing in Today’s Market – Flexibility,

                          Fortitude and Facilitation
        Rick Hall

        As I sit to write this article, I reflect on the  friendly and support our community is by
        unparalleled     challenges     school     nutrition    purchasing items grown or manufactured in our
        professionals continue to face. Most of our  city or state. By purchasing food and other goods
        schools  opened  this  school  year  with  students  that are produced locally you help the economy in
        attending in person.  With the continued  which you live. Jobs are created or retained, the
        waivers to provide free meals for all children,  community gains revenue, families and cultures
        many programs are reporting increases in  are supported, and we thrive and grow.
                                                                “Purchasing  locally  also  means
        While we are excited and still welcome the
        increased participation, this year the supply           that you have a large influence in
        chain and labor challenges are making it  quality control – you know that
        difficult to complete day-to-day operations. We         certain goods have been produced
        all try to make the best purchasing decisions by
        choosing products or businesses that are local,         in a way that meets strict regional
        cost effective, and environmentally sustainable.  and national standards.”

        Buying locally might help ease the stress, but it
        may not be the overall solution.                        Purchasing locally also means that you have a
                                                                large influence in quality control – you know
        Some  50-60  years  ago,  there  weren’t  many  that certain goods have been produced in a way
        options for buying products other than locally.         that meets strict regional and national standards.
        Our parents and grandparents ate vegetables  When purchasing goods from out of the country
        grown in their gardens and often bought their  it is difficult to know the manufacturing
        clothing, tools, and other goods from people in  processes and potentially harmful chemicals
        their home town.                                        and byproducts involved.

        Today’s  globalized  market  fulfills  our  needs  Additionally, sourcing locally can help reduce
        by delivering goods that are either unavailable  costs associated with your goods, such as
        in our own communities or are cheaper to buy  packaging or transportation. Imagine the
        elsewhere.  While our comfort to get anything  amount of greenhouse emissions put into the air
        from anywhere and delivered to our door is a  by delivering a few cases of oranges from town-
        testament to human ingenuity, it also bears  to-town verses across the nation or globe.
        consequences – both environmentally and
        socially.                                               Certainly,  it  takes less gas,  therefore  putting
                                                                fewer greenhouse emissions into the air.
        We always hear the best way to be environmentally  Remember that local items tend to have higher

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