Page 29 - The EDGE Winter 2022
P. 29
Leadership and the Practice of Mindful Motivation
Linda Virgil
As we continue to navigate through some of the most “I am not a product of my
unprecedented times many of us have experienced in
our lives and the impact that is having on both our circumstances. I am a product of my
professional and personal lives, it makes me think of decisions.” Stephen Covey
not only myself but my responsibilities, as a leader
and what I need to do to help my immediate team and the non-negotiables, we prioritize, and we become
my colleagues? more focused and observant, we listen more, and
we learn to become more appreciative. My focus
I continue to engage myself in the art of mindfulness lies in identifying both the best ways, and new ways
and as I take the time to spend even just a few minutes to complete tasks while maintaining accuracy and
reflecting on the day that has passed and how I can efficiency.
prepare myself for the next, my thoughts also go to
those around me, and I ask: how can I support my A good leader should be respectful of their team
team, how can I maintain and create motivation? members, be able to trust their team, be open in their
communication, and ensure their team members
We are all becoming increasingly aware of the know that their input and opinions are important.
difficulties we’re facing with recruiting and retaining Communication is, in my opinion, one of the most
staff, and the demands of providing support for absent important factors toward success – it creates a mutual
team members, whether that is short or long term. My understanding and tone of respect.
thoughts went to how prepared are we for that, what
strategies do we have in place when team members Time always seems to be of the essence and very
aren’t able to come to the office? As we find ourselves often we feel there’s just not enough of it. While
taking on more and more responsibilities to cover the being mindful of that, I do feel it is important to find
absences and ensure that business operations run as that window of time to come together regularly. We
smoothly as possible, that we continue to provide the approach our meetings with a positive attitude, it is
support needed in our school sites and department I our opportunity to collaborate, to hold meaningful
ask: how are we supporting ourselves? conversation and allow everyone to be engaged in that
Mindfulness can be considered non-judgmental conversation. Circumstance has changed the way that
awareness. The aim is to see things not as we want we meet and it’s not always possible to engage in face-
them to be, but what they actually are – that can help to-face time and we’ve become Zoomers or Teams
to reduce stress, anxiety, and conflict. As a leader collaborators. But, however we manage our meeting
it drives us to take an honest look at ourselves and time, our goal remains the same – to have purpose,
our willingness to put the interest of others before review and plan, make decisions, create action items,
ourselves, and it can help to lead without ego. A good and to motivate and support each other.
leader is only as successful as their team. Our role is
to motivate and empower others to be their best. My personal thoughts as we continue to navigate
through these difficult times is to always take a
We are all aware of what we should be doing and what moment to be thankful, show your appreciation,
we need to do, but sometimes we have to adapt to the celebrate a positive, smile.
situation at hand and do the best that we can in those
circumstances. Being mindful allows us to be open Linda Virgil, Director of Accounting, Peoria Unified School
to new perspectives and to respond to the challenges District, can be reached at:; (623) 486-
rather than merely reacting. We identify 6076, or cell, (623) 512-2236