Page 32 - The EDGE Winter 2022
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Bonds and Overrides – What Happened in 2021?
of those school districts that always has community for bringing out other voters. Some questions will be
support, you will probably always have your community facing Arizona voters and the ones they might come up
support again. It’s very local, very specific. I feel there with in the next couple of months.”
are issues out there with political divisiveness and She had “shout-outs” for Tolleson Union, which hadits
community divisiveness – not that it will last. I don’t sixth consecutive successful election year, and West
know if that makes people fatigued – not want to vote, MEC, which added two new members – Gila Bend and
not interested. It’s reflected in the outcome we saw in Littleton, and districts in 14 other counties that were
2021. 83% successful compared to 64% for Maricopa County.
Looking ahead to the 2022 General Election, Stein’s
“Talk about how unbelievable state revenues are. We’re advice to districts considering overrides or bonds:
all kind of pinching ourselves. Why is that? We’re in “Certainly by the first of the year you should be
the middle of a pandemic and now we’re facing fears organized.”
of inflation, the labor force participation is particularly
low, and we’re also recognizing that fed stimulus Randie Stein can be reached at: (602) 794-4002; (602) 573-0414;
coming to the country is dwindling. or
“We can see districts were gun-shy going to the ballot.
If you’re waiting till 2022, you will be facing all those
people (legislators) on the ballot and what that means
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