Page 37 - The EDGE Winter 2022
P. 37
Chris Thomas Outlines Capital Funding and Budget Battles
groups challenged and won on the mask mandate and Arizona. The Commission issued a statement that
single subject issues. Massive budget reconciliation it has ‘exclusive authority to decide if, when and
bills were passed in violation of the state Constitution to what extent the State of Arizona will adopt the
by jamming in a lot of policy issues, including some OSHA vaccination ETS (Emergency Temporary
completely new ideas and others that failed to pass as Standards)’.”
individual bills, Thomas explained.
Besides, the OSHA rule is temporary, didn’t go
The K-12 budget reconciliation bill had 229 pages through the normal procedures with public hearings,
and 120 sections, including one that prohibited school and is intended to increase the number of people
districts from requiring face coverings by students or vaccinated, Thomas said.
staff during school hours and on school property. It also
prevented schools from requiring Covid vaccinations “Stay tuned, Thomas said. “Way more to this story is
to participate in in-school instruction. coming.”
“The single subject rule in the Constitution is intended Chris Thomas, who for 22 years served as General Counsel/
to keep unpopular issues from getting stuffed into the Associate Executive Director of the Arizona School Boards
budget,” Thomas said. “The Legislature’s response Association, can be reached at:
was, ‘We’ve always done it this way – maybe this one
AASBO-EDGE Magazine-Tolin Mechanical-Print Ad-Quarter Page-Jan2022_press-quality.pdf 1 12/31/2021 4:32:18 PM
is a little worse. And by the way, courts shouldn’t be
involved in this. This is our decision.’”
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The Legislature also argued that because it takes
funding to run schools, all issues are fund-related, TOLIN MECHANICAL: YOUR HVAC AND FACILITY
Thomas said. They argued that “critics don’t MANAGEMENT COMPANY
understand the political process and that compromises
Established in 1948, Tolin Mechanical is a full service commercial HVAC
are needed to get the budget across the finish line.” services and facility management company. We partner with government
Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Katherine and K-12 facilities to maintain their buildings’ technical and mechanical
systems for safe, healthy, and energy efficient operation.
Cooper disagreed with the Legislature’s position.
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most talented engineers, HVAC technicians and sales professionals in the
Thomas touched on the Biden administration’s mechanical services industry. Contact us today for your customized
vaccination mandate issued by the Occupational
Safety and Health Administration, which makes it
> Quality workmanship.
mandatory for vaccination or weekly testing for all > Uncompromising integrity.
employers with at least 100 employees. The question > Satisfied customers.
for AASBO members: Does it apply to schools? CMY 3901 E Roeser Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85040
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Arizona is one of 26 states challenging the rule, 3810 S Evans Blvd, Tucson, AZ 85714
(520) 623-1050
according to Thomas.
“Despite messaging from OSHA suggesting school
districts need to immediately comply, this is not the
case,” Thomas said. “Arizona is one of 22 states that
has a state OSHA plan with compliance rules that
have to be adopted by the Industrial Commission of