Page 40 - The EDGE Winter 2022
P. 40
Rich Nickel
New Education Group Identifies Progressive Goals
Bold action is needed to improve education in the state, Nickel said, they were told over and over
Arizona statewide, the head of a recently formed again that “we had to recognize who those folks
organization told AASBO members. were and make sure those folks are being thought
about when it comes to funding, practices, policies,
Rich Nickel, President and CEO of Education etcetera, to give them a fair shot.”
Forward Arizona, spelled out what his group
plans to do to move education forward. With the A stronger connection needs to be made between
support of Arizona Community Foundation, Helios the high quality of education and what that means
Education Foundation and Pharos Foundation, to the workforce economy and quality of life, he
three nonprofits — Achieve60AZ, College Success said. Nickel mentioned the states of Washington
Arizona and Expect More Arizona — came together and Colorado as having among the nation’s top
in August 2021 to form Education Forward Arizona. economies. “Both of those economies have grown
Their focus is on how to bring the best parts of each as their educational attainments rates grew,” Nickel
of their organizations together in ways that could said. “There is massive economic and social impact
lead to greater impact and efficiency. for highly educated states.”
“We do believe,” Nickel said at an AASBO Although Arizona has education goals, there is no
Bi-Monthly Meeting, “that improving the quality state plan, he said. “We don’t really have a state
of education in Arizona will improve the quality of plan on concrete steps on how to get there,” Nickel
life for all Arizonans. That leads into our mission: said. “We heard that is big concern across our state.
Education Forward Arizona advocates for and acts No state plan on how to reach our educational goals.
on education improvements that advance the quality We have to start thinking about that.”
of life for all Arizonans.”
“We do believe that improving the
As Education Forward Arizona was coming together,
Nickel said, “We did a massive amount of listening quality of education in Arizona
– we really wanted to know what the community
had to say.” The No. 1 issue: Incremental steps in will improve the quality of life for
policymaking and practices are not enough to get all Arizonans.”
Arizona where its residents want to be in education,
he said, adding, “Bold actions are needed. We have
to quit thinking about political viability and really In putting the organization together, it was decided
get progressive in our thinking. And be bold in to focus on understanding that all students are not
communicating about it. All students must have a starting in the same place and that policies are
fair shot at success.” needed to get them there. Nickel emphasized the
importance of having policies throughout the state
But because of disparities in funding and that move education forward, being innovative
opportunities, not all students are starting from the and using data to make decisions, and grading the
same place. In hearing from communities around impact of what the organization does.