Page 42 - The EDGE Winter 2022
P. 42

New Education Group Identifies                                   Proud Supporter of
        Progressive Goals                                                   AASBO and the

                                                                        Future of Education

        Nickel  told  attendees  his  organization  will  be
        working with great partners like AASBO to improve
        the quality of life for all now and in the future.

        Under  this  combined  organization,  it  will  be  able
        to make a difference and take on bigger challenges,
        working with bigger partners.

        There will be a strong focus on closing the equity and
        achievement gaps across the state. In cooperation
        with  the  Center  for  the  Future  of  Arizona  a  few
        years ago, the state put together a list of simple
        metrics Nickel’s organization intends to use. They
        include early learning, 3rd grade reading, 8th grade
        math, high school graduation, post  high  school
        enrollment, and teacher pay.

        “We don’t have in the state concrete steps to improve
        each of these metrics.

         Nickel said. “That is something we think we can  He said the ratio of counselors to students in Arizona is
        help  –  give  students  a  fair  shot  at  success.  Some  the worst in country. “We’re last by a lot,” Nickel said.
        students  need  additional  support.  You  (AASBO  Another issue is workforce shortages. Nickel said
        members) see this every day.”                           East  Valley  school  superintendents  are  worried
                                                                about having enough teachers and bus drivers and
         To move Arizona forward, his organization will be  having enough money to pay for overtime. He also
        focusing on voice, programs and policy.  “On voice,  stressed the importance of a need-based financial aid
        we will work with folks like you on creating this  program for colleges, making a college education
        agreed-upon narrative for education,” he said.          more affordable.

        Nickel re-emphasized t he need to talk about what  On  its  website,  Education  Forward  Arizona  says
        the schools are doing, not what they’re not doing,  it  will  champion  efforts  that  prioritize  closing
        and creating a narrative that is compelling. “Get  achievement gaps and ensure state-level funding is
        people to work with us, not against us,” he said.       allocated more intentionally to those who are most
                                                                in need of additional resources.
        He told of working with local action groups in
        Douglas,  Kingman,  Flagstaff  and  Tucson.  He  Rich  Nickel  can  be  reached  at:  dfigueroa@
        mentioned  a  Program  by  Americorps  Arizona,
        working with counselors to complement and
        supplement their work, talking with high school
        students about career and college choices.

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