Page 27 - The EDGE Winter 2022
P. 27

Purchasing in Today’s Market – Flexibility, Fortitude and Facilitation


                                                                or equipment have to be shipped in to create the
                                                                product, then that can offset any benefit of creating
                                                                or growing the product locally. In addition, buying
                                                                locally  doesn’t  always  equal  lesser  pricing.  This
                                                                is sometimes seen when visiting neighborhood
                                                                Farmers’ Markets versus purchasing in your local
                                                                grocery store.

                                                                Buying locally can be a great way to encourage
                                                                small business and promote economic growth in
        quality and are fresher compared to items that  our own communities. However, buying locally
        are transported long distances.                         is not always the perfect solution – it is not even
                                                                always  the  greenest  solution.  Think responsibly
        Some areas of the country have other advantages  before you make the decision!
        in energy sources, such as wind and solar
        power.  This can make purchasing decisions  As I mentioned earlier, buying from local
        tough. Local farms and manufacturers cannot  purveyors might help as we all deal with supply
        always take advantage of this green energy, but  chain challenges. Here are some things to keep in
        other producers may be able to, thus making  mind when making your purchasing choices:
        their products greener.  Additionally, larger
        operations with bigger budgets can function               •  Communication: Keep an open line of
        more effectively adding to their greenness over              communication with all stakeholders so they
        small, local farms.                                          are aware of the supply and labor shortages.

                                                                  •  Documentation: Keep your website, menus
        Buying locally does present special networking               and social media updated to alert any changes
        opportunities among businesses. Choosing                     that are beyond the department’s control.
        to buy from local businesses can lead to new
        connections with outlooks of supporting one               •  Menu  Planning:  Keep  your  menus  simple,
        another. We have all heard the stories how local             and be resourceful and proactive in identifying
        farmers have collaborated with schools to help               products that are available for substitution.
        with their gardens or even come and speak with            •  Staff Training: Cross-train your team and
        students.  You may also benefit with special                 explain the importance of filling in where
        discounts and new perspectives and ideas to                  needed.
        utilize in your role.
                                                                  •  Ordering:  Place  orders  or  forecasts  farther
                                                                     out. This will help manufacturers have ample
        It might be surprising but, buying local could               time for planning and shipping.
        actually have some possible disadvantages. First,
        it is important to understand that just because
        something is locally produced does not mean             Rick Hall, Creighton School District Food Service Manager of
        that it is environmentally friendly. If supplies        Operations, can be reached at:

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