Page 8 - 2024 Vendor Buyer Conference
P. 8

Breakout Session Four

                                          2:10 PM - 3:00 PM

     401: THE "LOST ART (AND                                     402: SOLE SOURCE: WHAT IS

             POWER)" OF THE                                                IT "REALLY?"

             INVITATION FOR BID (IFB)                            Let's talk Sole Source. Just because a vendor submits

     It might be time to reconsider going for formal IFB or      a  letter  saying  they  are  the  only  distributor  of  a
     formal  Written  Quotes  again  for  certain  purchases.    product,  it  does  not  constitute  a  Sole  Source
     There  are  great  savings  to  be  made  in  this  method,  Determination. How do you educate your end users
     you  can  still  control  the  process  and  the  quality   to understand the true meaning?
     through  well  written  specifications,  and  it  may  just
     be  the  best  way  to  get  your  local  vendors  involved
     again.  With  a  well  written  IFB,  you  do  not  need  to  Presented By: Roger Spivey - Scottsdale Unified

     fear  the  lowest  priced  responsible,  and  responsive    School District & Michelle Hamilton - Mesa Public
     bidder.                                                     Schools & Lila McCleery - Phoenix Union High
                                                                 School District

     Presented By: Mark Kinsey - Professional Group
     Public Consulting (PGPC) & Larry Larson - Phoenix
     Union High School District
                    BEST PRACTICES                               404: NAVIGATING


     403: CONTRACT                                               In this multiple-viewpoint panel discussion, we delve
                                                                 into  the  strategic  rationale  behind  procurement
               MANAGEMENT AND                                    decisions,  particularly  focusing  on  the  choice
                                                                 between  direct  selection  and  the  necessity  of
               POST AWARD DEBRIEF                                alternative delivery methods when firms already hold

     Come and learn some basics on how to improve the            cooperative  contracts.  We  will  explore  the  factors
                                                                 influencing these decisions, including cost efficiency,
     one  area  where  procurement  people  seem  to  be         customization       requirements,      and      legal
     weakest.  Basic  tips  on  how  to  manage  your            considerations.  Discover  the  nuances  of  when  a
     contracts. We will also tackle Post-Award Debrief for       cooperative  contract  suffices  and  why,  contrasting
     award vendors on how to proceed with their award.           scenarios  where  a  hard  bid,  RFQ  or  RFP  processes,
     We will address some do's and don'ts for this.              become  imperative.  Gain  insights  into  optimizing
                                                                 procurement  strategies  to  align  with  organizational
                                                                 goals,  compliance,  and  achieving  the  best  value  for
                                                                 resources expended.
     Presented By: Julie Carson - Laveen Elementary
     School District & Christine Gabaldon - Tolleson
     Elementary School District & Nancy Colbaugh -               Presented By: Tammy Delgado - Glendale
     Mohave Cooperative & Scott Engel - Mesa Public              Elementary School District & Taylor Perkins - Chasse
     Schools & Gary Barkman - Mesa Public Schools                Building Team & Missy Mudry - Sunny Path
            COOPERATIVE PURCHASING                               Associates, LLC  & Ron Erickson - Sunland Asphalt
                                                                 VENDOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT
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