Page 5 - 2024 Vendor Buyer Conference
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Breakout Session One

     10:10 AM - 11:00 AM                                          102: NAVIGATING THE LANDSCAPE

      101: ELEMENTS OF A                                               OF GASB 96: IMPLEMENTATION
                                                                       STRATEGIES FOR SUBSCRIPTION-
               PRE-SOLICITATION                                        BASED IT AGREEMENTS IN

               CONFERENCE                                              SCHOOL DISTRICTS

      Join our panel discussion to learn and discuss some of      The introduction of GASB 96 has thrust Subscription-Based
      the  best  practices  currently  used  in  pre-solicitation  Information  Technology  Agreements  into  the  spotlight  of
                                                                  financial  reporting.  Now  that  we've  delved  into  the
      conferences.  Discussion  will  include  current            intricacies  of  these  agreements,  it's  time  to  roll  up  our
      requirements, how each agency administers its pre-          sleeves and embark on the journey of implementation. This
                                                                  informative  session  is  designed  to  guide  you  through  the
      solicitation  conferences,  and  some  tips  on  how  to    practical  steps  of  complying  with  the  new  GASB
      address  your  audiences  in  a  video-conferenced          requirements,  ensuring  that  school  districts  not  only
      environment.  This  interactive  session  will  be          understand the nuances but also effectively integrate them
                                                                  into  their  financial  statement  presentations.  Join  us  as  we
      valuable for those new to purchasing, as well as our        explore  lessons  learned  from  the  front  lines  of
      seasoned professionals.                                     implementation, sharing valuable insights and best practices
                                                                  to streamline the process. Our seasoned experts will provide
                                                                  strategies to evaluate existing agreements, empowering you
                                                                  to  make  informed  decisions  and  navigate  the  complexities
                                                                  associated with Subscription-Based IT Agreements.
      Presented By: Michael Carter - Mohave Cooperative
      & Missy Mudry - Sunny Path Associates, LLC &
      Diana Kerfoot - Tucson Unified School District              Presented By: Aaron Vix - Avix One Consulting &

                                                                  Cheryl Burt - Buckeye Elementary School District
                     BEST PRACTICES                                                COMPLIANCE


         NOW; WHY SUPPLIERS ARE                                   104: COOPERATIVE PURCHASING

         STILL CHOOSING TO "NO BID"                                       & HOW THIS CAN HELP YOUR
         (NIGP BUSINESS COUNCIL)                                          DISTRICT THE WIDE WORLD OF
                                                                          COOPERATIVE PURCHASING
     The  panel  will  discuss  the  various  reasons  that       Come  learn  the  basics  of  cooperative  purchasing.
     vendors  "No  Bid"  but  focusing  on  both  the  cost  to   Everything you wanted to know but were afraid to
     procure and the cost to Bid/Propose. Find out what           ask will be covered in this session.
     the actual cost to procure is for public agencies and
     the  cost  for  suppliers  to  propose  or  bid  to  agencies
     and  how  they  use  this  information  for  determining
     the solicitations they may consider responding to.           Presented By: Claudia Leon- 1GPA &
                                                                  Nancy Colbaugh  - Mohave Cooperative &
                                                                  Brittany Enright  - OMNIA Partners &
                                                                  Izaak Banowetz - OMNIA Partners & Nancy Burns -
     Presented By: Danielle Hinz – Amazon Web Services,           Equalis Group & Karen Berggren - Purchasing
     Jeff Peskuski – Graybar, David Wetzel - Canon                Cooperative of America & Amber Holmes - State
     Solutions, Michael Greene – City of Tempe, and               Procurement Office & Michelle Hamilton, Moderator
     Gary Barkman – Mesa Public Schools                           - Mesa Public Schools
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