Page 7 - 2024 Vendor Buyer Conference
P. 7
Breakout Session Three
1:00 PM - 1:50 PM 302: FUTURE OF FOOD BIDS
301: TEXTBOOK ADOPTIONS The future of school food bids, like the broader food
industry, is likely to see several key trends and
Should you issue an RFP? What about Supplemental developments in the coming years. Areas that may be
materials? The Purchasing department's role in this impacted include contract price lengths, compliance
process? Using of ESSER Funds? What are Districts with ever-changing regulations, and the needs of
doing? potential bidders. In this session, key players in the
supply chain will be offering insights on how you can
successfully navigate these anticipated challenges.
Presented By: Roger Spivey - Scottsdale Unified
School District & Lila McCleery - Phoenix Union
High School District & Mark Kinsey - Professional
Group Public Consulting (PGPC) Presented By: Tami Hitt-Wyant - Mohave/ASPIN &
Missy Mudry - Sunny Path Associates, LLC &
BEST PRACTICES Julie Carson - Laveen Elementary School District &
Karen Moore - Shamrock Foods & & Wendy Sahr -
Tyson Foods
If you are a business developer in the public sector,
working with school districts, it's likely that your job
title says anything BUT sales. Maybe your title
includes Business Development, Client Relations,
Account Executive, Representative, the list goes
303: HOW TO JOIN A on...but make no mistake, your job is primarily sales.
That's because your company operates with sales
COOPERATIVE goals, and typically your job depends on it. In this
session, vendors will take away core concepts in
Come find out all the steps you need to take to join a effective sales strategies specific to school districts,
purchasing cooperative. You found a contract you sales-related communications such as calls, emails,
want to use but your district is not a member of that and texts, and powerful insight into establishing the
psychological safety and trust required to be truly
cooperative. Now what? We will also discuss how influential in the sales process. This session will help
vendors can get on a cooperative contract. you discover your inner shark, and achieve the
career-defining BD success we know your role is all
Presented By: Bill Munch - Valley Schools
Management Group & Laura Szymanoski - Deer Presented By: Nicole Rodriguez - John Delano
Valley Unified School District & Elyse Orozco - Marketing & Michael Escorza - Valley Sales Coaching
Littleton Elementary School District & Taylor Perkins - Chasse Building Team