Page 13 - 2021 Spring Conference
P. 13

Breakout Session 4

                                       Thursday  -  3:10 pm

        406: Building a Better User Experience for All

        This session will introduce new and emerging technologies that school districts can utilize to increase
        staff and student engagement. Topics include cloud access using Wifi 6 and access cards for dual-role
        instruction so teachers can be in-class and online simultaneously.

        Speakers: Russell Deneault - Glendale Elementary School District & Todd Simmons - Logicalis
        Track: Information Technology

        407: School District Procurement Resources:  Where Are They???

        This session is designed for those that may be brand new to school district procurement or those vets
        that just want to confirm they have exhausted the plethora of resources available to us.  Discover the myri-
        ad of information out there to help you be successful as a new buyer or even as a new vendor! Find out
        where to go; to be the best that you can be.

        Speakers: Gary Barkman - Mesa Public Schools & Bill Munch - Valley Schools
        Track: Purchasing

        408: The New School Year: What Now?

        While pupil transportation’s goal always revolves around safety, how do we maintain that standard when
        facing today’s challenges? Extreme driver shortages, wavering ridership counts, and heightened safety
        challenges present even more demands than a  back-to-school startup typically encounters. During the
        presentation, we will talk about alternative solutions that may work for your transportation department in the
        new school year.

        Speakers: Jason Nelson - Kyrene School District & Stephanie Arbaugh - The Trust
        Track: Transportation

        410: Arizona School Finance

        Session is an overview of school funding in Arizona – for newbies to the school district business world
        and interested school district professionals in other disciplines.  During this hour you’ll become acquaint-
        ed with the most commonly tossed around school funding acronyms (QTR, 123, Prop 301, SETR, TNT,
        M&O); the blurry lines between maintenance and operation funding and capital funding; and the unique
        challenges associated with capital needs and capital funding.  This is a full presentation designed to
        leave you with a solid overview of the conglomeration known as Arizona school funding.

        Speakers: Ken Hicks - Dysart Unified School District & Randie Stein - Stifel, Nicolaus & Co., Inc.
        Track: Professional Development
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