Page 12 - 2021 Spring Conference
P. 12
Breakout Session 4
Thursday - 3:10 pm
402: Roll Out! Managing a successful start to a new year in your
financial system.
Limp Bizkit. Ludacris. Tina Turner. What do these wise sages have in common? They all know when to
start Rollin!!! July 1st will be here before you know it and if you don’t start planning now you’ll find yourself
yearning for the easier days of 2020. We’ll focus on the Infinite Visions procedures, but these practices
can be modified for use with any ERP system. We’ll talk about the General Ledger, Payroll, Human Re-
sources, Purchasing and others as we discuss the pitfalls and best practices of preparing for a new year.
But this is no solo act! Get your HR/PR/Finance people together and become the N’SYNC of the new
fiscal year. “Rollin.. Rollin.. Rollin into New Year!” – Tina Turner (probably)
Speakers: Mike Martinez - Maricopa County Educational Services Agency & Annette Moreno -
The Office of Maricopa County School Superintendent & Francie Wolfe-Baumann - Dysart Unified
School District
Track: Business Administration
404: Maintaining Resilient Facilities in these Ever-Changing Times
For school administrators and facility managers, student and staff safety is always top priority. But what
about your facility’s health? There are a variety of risks that can threaten the viability of your facilities,
from the current outbreak to natural disasters. But there are also a variety of ways to mitigate those
risks and repair vulnerabilities of your physical assets, one of which is cooperative purchasing. This
session will cover how you can use local cooperative purchasing networks to complete projects outside
of typical “security updates.” Plus, you’ll hear firsthand how your peers are able to maximize resources
while creating and maintaining resilient facilities in these ever-changing times.
Speakers: Robert Jacobson - Laveen Elementary School District & Dean Jagger - Gordian
Track: Maintenance & Operations
405: Using Your ERP System to Process Employee Expense Reimbursements
This session will explore the employee expense reimbursement module available through the self ser-
vice portal of iVisions. While travel reimbursements have been limited in the last year, they are likely to
start picking back up again soon. This session will walk you through how the module works for maxi-
mum implementation in your district.
Speakers: Courtney Piña - Glendale Elementary School District & Jamie Whitaker - Tyler
Track: Human Resources / Payroll