Page 36 - The EDGE Fall 2022
P. 36

Fringe Benefits— Are They Gifts or Taxable?


        retirement planning services, and something  organization,  so  for  a  school  district  it  must  be
        related to improving working conditions.                tied  to  educating  students.  The  state  does  not
                                                                have a stated de minimis value amount, so $200
        Huie  explained  the  Gift  Clause  in  the  Arizona  may be OK under the Gift Clause, but would be
        Constitution, which basically says the expenditure  taxable according to the IRS, Huie said.
        of public funds must be for a public purpose and
        the expenditure “does not exceed the worth of the  White provided some examples of food and meal
        direct benefits enjoyed by the public body.”            benefits.  They  include  meals  provided  by  the
        While the IRS is specific with the $100 limit, the  district’s Food Service Department for employees,
        state Gift Clause is broad. “You need to determine  food provided for staff at board meetings and
        which  one  applies,”  she  said.  “The  Gift  Clause  training sessions, holiday meals and celebrations
        could vary depending on size of the district.”          and special events.

        To avoid a violation of the Gift Clause, the  “Travel reimbursements used to be one of the few
        expenditure  must  support  the  goal  of  the  ways a district could provide food to employees,”

                                                                         For you

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