Page 40 - The EDGE Fall 2022
P. 40


                                                                      Jason Nelson  Gabby Kuziak
        School Vehicle Accidents Are Costly – Often Preventable

        About  half  of  all  school  vehicle  accidents  involve  ended by another vehicle and a school vehicle backing
        hitting a fixed object or parked car, often because the  up. Some transportation departments require having
        driver was not paying attention, but there are ways to  a spotter to assist a driver for going in reverse, Nelson
        mitigate some of the losses.                            said. A substantial majority of the accidents involve
                                                                school  buses,  but  some  claims  are  filed  involving
        In  a  breakout  session  at  the  Summer  Conference  other district-owned vehicles.
        &  Expo,  Jason  Nelson,  Transportation  Program
        Manager for The Trust, discussed the most frequent  The six most frequent incidents account for 70% of
        loss types and the most costly, noting that there is  the total at-fault claims reported in the past five years
        some overlap.                                           that The Trust paid out. Driver complacency can be
                                                                a major factor. “They’re not paying attention to what
        The most frequent type of loss involves a collision  they’re doing,” he said.
        with a fixed object, such as a bollard at a fuel station.
        “I’m sure you deal with these daily, or at lease on a  Broken  down  by  category,  a  collision  with  a  fixed
        weekly basis,” Nelson said.                             object accounted for 27% of the claims, and a school
                                                                vehicle stuck a parked auto, 24%. Those two account
        Gabby Kuzniak, Director of Transportation for Crane  for just over 50%. Unsafe turn and a bus rear-ended
        Schools  in  Yuma,  told  of  an  actual  incident:  “A  each amount to 16%.
        school bus driver missed a turn and used the YMCA
        parking lot to turn around. The parking lot contained  “Hitting a parked auto could be in your own lot, but
        a structure housing solar panels. Instead of using the  typically it’s out on a street,” Nelson said. “We saw
        driveway to drive around the panels, the driver passed  a dip during the pandemic when schools closed and
        underneath  the  solar  structure,  damaging  both  the  fewer vehicles were on the streets.”
        structure and the school bus. Total damage $49,000.”
                                                                An AASBO  member  in  the  audience  asked  if The
        The second most frequent loss incident is a school  Trust is seeing more accident because of an increase
        vehicle hitting a parked auto. “The driver probably  in hiring of less-experienced drivers. “Not from the
        was not paying attention, maybe looking at the kids  data  we  collect,”  Nelson  said.  “In  my  experience,
        on the bus,” Nelson said.                               the more veteran drivers become more complacent.
                                                                Newer drivers tend to pay more attention.”
        A school vehicle collision due to making an unsafe
        turn is in third place. It usually involves a left turn  Kuzniak agreed: “Drivers with five or more years of
        into oncoming traffic. Again, not paying attention is  experience become more complacent. Newer drivers
        often the cause, according to Nelson.                   are careful to follow the rules and the instructions.
        Other losses involve the school vehicle being rear-     Experienced drivers might decide to take a different
                                                                                            CONTINUED ON PAGE 42

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