Page 38 - The EDGE Fall 2022
P. 38

Fringe Benefits— Are They Gifts or Taxable?


        White  said,  until  HB2210  was  passed  by  the  for bus drivers to stay cool and hydrated in the
        Legislature in 2021. It allows districts to provide  summer are OK,” Huie said. “These items can be
        food and beverages at school district events,  considered safety equipment necessary for the
        including official school functions and training  employee to perform his or her job.”
        sessions, as long as doing so does not violate the
        Gift Clause.”                                           Examples of acceptable items for staff recognition
                                                                are certificates, plaques, pen and pencil sets with
        An  Attorney  General’s  opinion  in  2010,  which  the district or school logo and shirts with district
        predates the new law, says districts should adopt  or school logo.
        a policy, regulation, or practice of limitations
        of  what  can  be  provided,  and  provide  examples  “Gifts to employees should be tied to an official
        of types of snacks and refreshments and what  school or department recognition program,” Huie
        funding sources can be used. Also, districts should  recommended.
        have an approval process for what is considered
        a district event and if the meeting must span a  White said the rental of school facilities, such as
        certain amount of time for refreshments to be  a playground or pool for a birthday party, should
        offered.                                                not be provided free of charge or at a discounted
                                                                rate. Therefore, no benefit is provided. The use
        For  example,  if  the  food  is  purchased  for  an  of the school gym for an exercise break while at
        employee achievement luncheon in which several  work should consider worker’s compensation and
        employees were recognized, the district might not  liability issues.
        violate  the  Gift  Clause, White  said. The  district
        would have to demonstrate the value is nominal
        per employee. The AG recommended that districts  “Gift cards are taxable, no matter the

        not use district funds for holiday meals and            amount.”  - Cheryl White

        On the issue of T-shirts, apparel and accessories,  “The purchase of gym membership for employees,
        Huie said, “The purchase of uniforms, attire, or  if included as  part  of district  benefit plan, or
        equipment necessary for an employee to perform  documented as a fringe benefit in the employment
        his or her job would not constitute a violation of  contract,  is  allowable,  but  taxable  under  IRS
        the  Gift  Clause.  What  we  are  concerned  about  rules,” White said. “The allowable funding source
        here is what is excessive?”                             would follow the employee’s normal position
                                                                funding source. The benefit is taxable, regardless
        A suit and a tie for a coach would be considered  of the amount or how often the employee uses the
        excessive, she said. A polo shirt with the school or  athletic facility.”
        team logo would be more appropriate.

        “Umbrellas and hats to protect crossing guards          Lizette Huie can be reached at:
        from the sun, and cooling towels and water bottles      Cheryl White can be reached at:

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