Page 22 - The Edge - Summer 2019
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Get Kids to and from School Safely usually a business manager or CFO – has primary responsibility
Continued from page 20 to operate and maintain the UST system and facility. A Class
B operator oversees the daily operation and maintenance of
a UST facility, manages resources and personnel, establishes
having employees sign and date a statement every year work assignments and trains Class C operators, Sims explained.
acknowledging that they will be screened annually. A Class C operator is anyone who fuels a district vehicle,
Sims mentioned MAP 21, a holdover from the Obama including bus drivers, food service employees, maintenance
administration that is scheduled to take effect February 7, 2020. workers, groundskeepers and athletic coaches. They respond
It requires all CDL license tests for bus driver trainees to be sent to alarms and other emergency situations and serve as first
to FMCSA, which will verify test results and notify ADOT/MVD responder to emergency situations at a UST facility.
to authorize a license. “Show them where the emergency shut-off switch is,” Sims
Test will cover 93 topics, but many are already included in said. “Here’s what you do if there is a spill.”
current testing. “We already teach most of those,” Sims said. Certifications at all levels last three years, he said.
Sixty-three topics require classroom instruction and 30 put ADEQ requires proof of insurance for tanks and pumps
trainees behind the wheel, Sims said. For example, left turn is showing coverage and amount and must be on file with ADEQ.
one lesion and right turn is another. In two hours a driver can “If it’s underground and more than 30 years old, insurance
cover up to eight topics, Sims said, adding: “Don’t stress.” shoots up about 40 percent,” Sims advised
Sims noted that The Trust has a bulletin that contains MAP The Federal Communications Commission requires two-
21 information. way radios for all school buses. Cell phones are not acceptable,
There is no minimum hour training requirement under Sims said. The move is toward more digital devices and away
MAP 21, but DPS calls for 14 hours of classroom training and from analog. And you must have an FCC license.
20 hours behind the wheel, Sims said. Sims explained the difference between capital funding and
The Arizona Department of Education requires a 100-day maintenance and operation funds. “Capital funding is like
report, due 12 days after the 100 day. The Vehicle Inventory a savings account and is used for major purchases that carry
Report is due July 15. What’s more, the Auditor General Report over year to year, like buses and vehicles, equipment, routing
is due March 1. Sims said he wants to make sure he’s low on programs, GPS and cameras,” he said. “M and O funding is like
cost per mile and cost per students. a checking account used for every-day items and services that
“The Auditor General report is the best way to gauge how need to be repurchased year after year – smaller purchases and
your department is doing,” he said. “It’s where you can look to every-day items, such as fuel.
become more efficient. It compares you with districts your size Sims offered this advice to Transportation Department
– your peer group.” officials: “You are encouraged to become best friends with your
ADEQ conducts annual inspections of fuel storage tanks – district purchasing director. They will keep you out of trouble.”
underground and above ground, Sims said.
Sims touched on UST certification. ADEQ offers a free, For more information contact The Trust at: Transportation@the-trust.
8-hour class for certification. A Class A certified operator – org or (602) 200- 2471.