Page 4 - 2017 Spring Conference
P. 4
Keynote Speakers Biography
David Diaz Daniel Diaz
Born in 1971 to humble Farm Workers, Danny Diaz is the
David was born and raised in McFarland. He gradu- 2nd of 7 children. Like most Mexican-American families
ated McFarland High School in 1987 where he par- that live in McFarland, Danny grew up poor with many
ticipated in cross country and track all four years. hardships and didn’t have a TV growing up as his dad felt
that TV was a waste of time. In order to make it, his par-
He is the oldest of 7 children and is currently one ents took them to work every day. Working those fields,
of the cross country coaches for the girls program along with running Cross Country, taught him discipline,
and coaches the recreation program as well. After work ethic, having a positive attitude, perseverance, goal-
graduating from Fresno State he became a teacher in setting, and it played a major role in directing his path
1992 in the same elementary school he attended as a towards Education. During foggy delay schedules, the
child. After teaching 4th and 6th grade for 7 years, family worked in the fields until 9:30am and then rushed
David decided to become a school administrator. He to make it to school by 10:00am. After-school work days
became a Vice Principal in the same school he went were followed by Running Practice with Coach White and
to Jr. High and had the privilege of supervising Mr. that was followed by Homework, Chores, Dinner and the
White his high school cross country coach who was a days would pretty much repeat themselves over and over.
The Diaz family had 3 pillars that they lived by; Number
PE teacher at the school. He is currently a Vice Princi- 1 was God, Number 2 was Family, and Number 3 was
pal for the Department of Corrections. Education. Nothing else mattered!!! Winning State dur-
David and all of his family worked in the fields early ing the 1987 season was an incredible experience. Danny
in their lives and continued to work before and after had never cracked the top 5 on the Team and the 1987
school throughout their whole school age lives. Since State Meet was an opportunity to step up and help the
the movie McFarland, USA was released the running team be victorious. Danny helped McFarland win its 1st
community and the sport of cross country have re- State Championship and McFarland USA captures part of
ceived respectable attention. The Diaz brothers have that experience. He graduated from Fresno State in 1994
committed themselves to bring some appreciation to on a Friday May afternoon and found himself working in
the City of McFarland, McFarland High School, Cross the Fields the very next day. It is something that he will
always remember because his cousins were making fun of
Country and the 3 principles their family was found- him since he already had a college degree. Danny is proud
ed on which are God, Family and Education. to have been a Field Worker! Today, Danny is an At-Risk
Currently, the Diaz brothers still work in the fields, Counselor at the very school where he won a Cross Coun-
however, they now are the owners of where they try State Championship. He devotes his life working with
work. They farm almonds and now have their kids At-Risk students as many of these students need guidance
run Cross Country and do some of the back breaking and direction. Giving Up is easy and anyone can throw in
work they used to do, but to a much lesser degree. the towel. It takes “Ganas” and “Hard Work”, but each
David is trying to do and be what Mr. White was for one of us can do something to turn things around when
him. He has been married for 19 years, has 4 children things aren’t going right. He’ll spend the rest of his days
and is proud to be involved in the greatest profession encouraging young people to dream big and to not let fail-
ures keep them down. It’s the setbacks that help you reach
ever: Education. If not us, then who and if not now, for bigger and better things. Winning is INTENTIONAL.
then when? You have to work for it! It requires lots of sacrifice and it
is often painful. Winning in life requires that same sacri-
fice and determination. Champions can indeed come from
anywhere and as long as you have the right attitude, you’ll
4 reap much success.