Page 9 - 2017 Spring Conference
P. 9
Business Administration Sessions
102: Overview of School Capital 302: Minimum Wage: Compressing,
Funding Decompressing, What’s Possible?
Session will offer a historical perspective on continued... concerns. We will have legal
school capital funding since Roosevelt v. Bish- counsel available to identify any potential pit-
op and the enactment of Students FIRST in falls as school districts comply with Prop. 206.
1998. We will contemplate the current state of
school capital and the impact on both school Presented By: Nate Bowler - Buckeye Elemen-
district budgets and the state general fund. tary School District & Ken Hicks - Peoria Uni-
We’ll also discuss available capital funding al- fied School District & Dale Ponder - Crane
ternatives and the pros and cons of each. Elementary School District & Wendy Qualls -
Litchfield Elementary School District & Jessica
Presented By: Randie Stein - Stifel, Nicolaus Sanchez - Tempe El/Tempe Union/Kyrene SD &
& Company, Inc. & Jill Barragan - Avondale Mike Barragan - Glendale Elementary School
Elementary School District District
202: Travel
Even secret agents must follow the rules for 402: Bond Competitive Sales vs.
State travel reimbursements. Review the guid- Negotiated Sales - Panel Discussion
ance for meals and incidental expense reim- & 10 Fundamentals of Bonds
bursement. See how one district makes sure In November, voters demonstrated strong sup-
their district’s agents make sure the mission is port for school districts by approving bonds to
address their capital needs. Many of us can’t
recall the last time we sold bonds, so what bet-
Presented By: Valerie Culling - Arizona Audi-
tor General & Lizette Huie - Sahuarita Unified ter way to remind us of bonding fundamentals
School District than to have Stifel, RBC Capital Markets and
Piper Jaffray guide us on the process. Each
firm will provide their own perspective and
share their thoughts on the pros/cons of a ne-
302: Minimum Wage: Compressing, gotiated and competitive sales. Legal counsel
Decompressing, What’s Possible? will be available to provide an understanding
Your mission, which you have no choice but to of the legal requirements. As a reminder, this
accept, will require you to implement Proposi- communication will self-destruct in five sec-
tion (Prop.) 206 while ensuring the solvency of onds. Good luck school business officials.
your school district. You will hear from school
district officials on how they will be comply- Presented By: Kathryn Pong & Megan Burke -
ing with minimum wage increases and creat- RBC Capital Markets & William C. Davis - Pip-
ing a process for employees who previously er Jaffray & Bryan Lundberg & Mike LaValle
were not eligible for sick leave accrual. Prop. - Stifel, Nicolaus & Co. & James T. Giel - Gust
206 may create salary/wage compression, and Rosenfeld & Melissa Higdon - Tavun Advisory
the panel will discuss what strategies they have Services & Mike Barragan - Glendale Elemen-
developed to decompress salary and wage ... tary School District 9