Page 10 - 2017 Spring Conference
P. 10
Child Nutrition Sessions
103: Hot Topics in Child Nutrition 303: Internal Controls to Meet Your
With the many changes since the Healthy, Business Services Needs
Hunger-Free Act of 2010, districts are try- Do you have standard operating proce-
ing to keep up. Listen to a potpourri or dures to ensure that you are meeting the
food service topics from purchasing, sodi- regulations? Internal controls need to be
um targets, professional standard require- in place at both the manager level and cen-
ments, Local Wellness Policies and some of tral office level. Discover the many ways
the common findings from the single audits that districts have checks in place. You’ll
and CRE. receive samples of self checks that manag-
ers and central offices ensure they are do-
Presented By: Sandra Schossow - Peoria Uni- ing it right.
fied School District
Presented By: Sandra Schossow - Peoria Uni-
fied School District
203: Professional Standards
Are you the business manager of a small
district who plays the roll of the food ser-
vice director? Have you met your 12 hours
of food service continuing education re-
quirements? Learn the requirements of all
staff associated with the program and walk
away with a plan to meet them.
Presented By: Sandra Schossow - Peoria Uni-
fied School District