Page 13 - 2017 Spring Conference
P. 13
Information Technology Sessions
106: Upgrading your’s 306: A Peek Behind the Curtain of
Possible Cybercrime
Have you been WANdering around your How do cybercriminals operate? Who is
office, trying to figure out how to revive most likely to be a victim? This class focus-
you WANing WAN? Maybe you WANt es on end user training as a crucial step in
to know more about how E-Rate can help layered security. Find out how software ex-
you revive that old wide-area network ploits and remote deception strategies can
of yours. If that person is you, then stop compromise the data and systems of your
tWANging your guitar and drop by this ses- organization.
sion to learn how Chino Valley USD up-
graded the network connections between Presented By: George Gerardo - West-MEC
their schools. Please attend if you WAN-
nabe educated on the process they went
through to turn the impossible into POS-
SIBLE, because it takes more than waving 406: School Districts Are Not Immune to
a magic WANd to turn that ugly duckling Cyber Liability
into a sWAN. Vulnerable computer systems pose an eco-
nomic and reputational threat to organiza-
Presented By: Larry Fullmer - Chino Valley tions of every size and industry and pub-
Unified School District lic school districts are not immune to this
threat. Learn about common cyber security
risks to school districts, cyber security mea-
206: User Roles that Can Hurt You! sures or controls to address threats in your
Segregation of Duties is a common item for organization, and resources available to
discussion. We focus on ensuring our em- develop best practices.
ployees duties and job descriptions prop-
erly demonstrate the division of duties, but Presented By: Ruth Unks - Timberland Con-
do we spend the same amount of time on sulting LLC & David Sanders - Mesa Public
our user roles. Do the user roles match the Schools
job descriptions? Do your users have too
much access? This session will walk you
through the appropriate segregation of du-
ties and common pitfalls identified through
a user role audit. Learn how to properly
segregate duties through your ERP system
regardless of the size of your district both
small and large.
Presented By: Anthony St. George - Heinfeld,
Meech & Co., P.C. & Mike Martinez - MCESA 13