Page 16 - 2017 Spring Conference
P. 16

Vendor & Professional Development Sessions

                             Vendor                                           Professional

         209: Dollars and Sense - It really is your            110: Degree Opportunities for AASBO

                 money!                                               Members
         A discussion on looking at cost savings for           Learn about exciting opportunities to
         your district more closely.                           achieve an Associates, Bachelors and/or

                                                               Masters degree through AASBO’s partner-
         Presented  By:  Bette  Thompson  &  Deborah           ships with Central Arizona College and
         Sandoval - ASPIN / Mohave & SBO TBA
                                                               Ottawa University (tuition discount avail-
                                                               able). AASBO classes, workshops and cer-
                                                               tification programs will also be discussed.
         309: Thinking Green

         Presenting products and habits to greenify            Presented By: Jeffrey Gadd - AASBO & Leslie
         your space.                                           Montecuollo - Ottawa University

         Presented By: Charlie Bowers - Centennial Con-
         tractors Enterprises, Inc. & Scott Pierce - Pierce
         Energy Planning & Roy Sucanick - Creighton
         Elementary School District

         409: The Latest Hard Facts on Concrete
         DBA Construction, Inc. will provide valu-
         able  information  on  new  means  and

         methods in the industry for placement of
         concrete  including:  use  of  chemical  com-
         pounds as additives for concrete placement
         in remote areas of the State or rural areas
         where  distances  pose  problems  for  early
         set-up. We will also cover ADA compliance
         measures  and  current  construction  meth-
         ods for placement of sidewalk ramps and
         other handicap access.

         Presented By: Jordan Hamula & Jean Sapon -
         DBA Construction, Inc. & SBO TBA

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