Page 15 - 2017 Spring Conference
P. 15

Transportation Sessions

         108: Using the Umbrella to make the                   308: Killing your annual DPS
                 Mission Possible                                      Inspections
                                                               “A 2016 Arizona Republic and AZCentral.

                                                               com investigative report carried the head-
                                                               lines…. “Arizona school buses failed almost

                                                               30 percent of safety inspections in 2015”.
                                                               Such a dramatic headline can have a dam-
                                                               aging and long-lasting negative impact on
                                                               a  school  district’s  image  and  reputation.
                                                               When  the  public  reads  a  front-page/full-
                                                               page Sunday edition headline like this, they
         Presented By: Lori Mora & Ginny Fish &                immediately suspect the worst. And we all
         Roger Ham - Washington Elementary School              know that nothing is more important to a

         District                                              parent than the safety of their young ones.

                                                               This block will give you the necessary tips
                                                               and ideas on how to ensure that your fleet
         208: 4 Years after Sandy Hook-                        is ready when DPS arrives and stays ready
                 Are you ready?                                throughout the year.
         “Most of the State’s more than 200 public school
         districts have vulnerabilities that expose them to    Presented By: Paul Novak - Gauge Precision
         serious  threats  and  risks.    Schools  and  districts   Consulting & Trace Tolby - Auto Safety House
         are not typically staffed with expert personnel       & Bert Herzog - Washington Elementary
         whose sole purpose is to ready the institution        School District
         for serious natural or human-caused events. Each
         school and district must be prepared to prevent,
         protect against, respond to and recover from a
         wide spectrum of major events and natural disas-
         ters. Meeting the minimum standards required          408: The ins and outs of your 100 day
         by Arizona, cannot alone fully you to protect          report
         students  and  staff  in  all  situations.”4  Years  Af-  Every  year  there  is  something  we  learn
         ter Sandy Hook - Are You Ready?” will present         about the 100 day report. Brian worked at
         clear  and  striking  examples  and  evidence  that   the Department of Education and can an-
         will help you conclude whether your own dis-          swer your questions on the 100 day report.
         trict and all its schools are fully ready to protect
         the lives of the children and adults that occupy
         your buildings as well as protecting the image        Presented By: Brian Lockery - Queen Creek
         and reputation of your institution.”                  Unified School District

         Presented By: Paul Novak - Gauge Precision
         Consulting Consulting & Trace Tolby - Auto
         Safety House & Bert Herzog - Washington
         Elementary School District                                                                              15
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