Page 20 - 2017 Spring Conference
P. 20

Pre-Conference Agenda

                               Information Technology

              Wednesday, April 5, 2017

                                                                                   2:00 PM
                          Continued...                          501P: Apple School Manager +

                            12:15 PM                            Airwatch device enrollment, configuration

            Lunch & Un-conference Discussion                    and implementation. The benefits of Ap-
                                                                ple School Manager and the use of Class-

                             1:00 PM                            room by Apple.  iPad classroom manage-
         401P: No Walls, No Wires,                              ment, giving the teacher control of their
                  No............Worries?                        classroom technology.

         Today’s District IT departments are grappling          Presented By: Justin Venard - Mesa Public
         with some of the most complex technology               Schools
         challenges in any industry.  After successfully
         navigating the past decade of ramping up In-
         ternet connectivity for schools, rapid campus
         Wi-Fi rollouts, mandatory testing initiatives,                            3:00 PM
         the rise of BYOD, the shift from PC to lap-
         top to tablet to “any device,” (and that’s just            Wrap-Up - Open Discussion
         the  short  list!),  it’s  no  wonder  Districts  are
         increasingly turning to their IT Departments
         with problems big and small, and with only
         the highest of expectations.  Today’s School                              4:30 PM
         IT Environment is no longer confined within                    Cisco Customer Mixer
         the campus walls.  Thanks to 1:1 initiatives,
         cloud-based  curriculum,  and  the  growing
         “always  connected”  workforce  mentality,
         device  management  strategies  must  rapidly
         evolve to fulfill more “location-agnostic” re-
         quirements.  Beyond devices, user needs for
         universally accessible data are increasing ex-
         ponentially.  Strategies for delivering IT ser-
         vices securely and consistently will be the fo-
         cus for this workshop.

         Presented By: Stephen Ashworth - Ashworth
         Consulting, LLC & David Sanders - Mesa
                Public Schools
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