Page 19 - 2017 Spring Conference
P. 19

Pre-Conference Agenda

                               Information Technology

              Wednesday, April 5, 2017                                            10:15 AM

                                                                201P: Top IT Security Challenges K12

           Mohave Community College,                                     CIOs Face Every Day
                                                                Is your district prepared to face the cyber se-
                 Bullhead City, Arizona                         curity threats that K12 IT professionals need
                                                                to be prepared for?  To help K12 IT pros as-
                                                                sess the efficacy of their security solutions, se-

                            8:00 AM                             curity experts have identified five of the big-
                                                                gest IT security challenges schools face today.
               Registration & Introduction &                    Join  the  session  and  find  out  how  Buckeye
                     Continental Breakfast                      Elementary School District worked with Logi-
                                                                calis’ Cyber Security team to implement a se-
                                                                curity solution to protect their district.
                            8:30 AM

                        Keynote Address                         Presented By: Juan Pino - Buckeye Elementa-
                        Tim Lake - Cisco                        ry School District & Jason Malacko - Logicalis
                                                                                  11:15 AM

                                                                301P: Everything Schools Should Know
                            9:00 AM                                      About Windows 10 in Education

         101P: ERATE - Where is it Going?                       Come Learn about Microsoft’s Cloud and the
         E-Rate  is  an  ever  changing  program.  The  recent  innovation  in  Office  365  Education
         technology  needs  are  increasing  but  the  and Windows 10. We will discuss the pow-
         funding is decreasing. Learn the latest infor-         er of Microsoft’ Cloud including innovation
         mation related to E-Rate and what to ex-               with SCCM, Office 365 deployments, threat
         pect in the future for this important funding          analytics and Azure AD (SSO, self-service pass-
         source.                                                word reset). Microsoft continues to provide
                                                                the most trusted cloud with Security as para-
         Presented By: EJ Nicely - Nicely Done Con-             mount. In addition, Microsoft solutions inte-
         sulting                                                grate  with  mixed  cloud  and  platform  envi-
                                                                ronments improving ITs ability to manage and
                                                                support their end users evolving tech needs.
                            10:00 AM                            Presented By: Garrett Godoy - Mesa Public

            Refreshment Break & Networking                      Schools & Scott Johnson - Insight, Microsoft

                                                                     Continued on Next Page...
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