Page 17 - 2017 Spring Conference
P. 17
Pre-Conference Agenda
Facilities, Maintenance & Operations
Wednesday, April 5, 2017 10:00 AM
Refreshment Break & Networking
Aquarius Hotel & Conference
Center, Laughlin, Nevada 10:10 AM
202P: Energy Reduction Strategies To
8:00 AM Reduce M&O Expenses
Registration & Continental Breakfast The cost of energy for school districts is the second
highest operating expense after personnel. With
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency esti-
9:00 AM mating that 25 percent of energy use in schools is
Welcome & Introductions wasted, strategies for energy savings have a signif-
icant impact on the bottom line. School districts
102P: Innovation In Career & can capture funds for student services and per-
Technology Education For Today’s sonnel by implementing policies for energy use
Global Workforce reduction in new operations and maintenance as
The objective of the session is to focus on well as facility renovation and design. This pre-
sentation will discuss successful energy manage-
the inception and development of CTE fa- ment plans, district energy standards, energy au-
cilities for growing communities. Specialty diting, available grants and rebates for energy use
high schools have evolved into think-tanks reductions, and a need for buy-in by the entire
and incubators of innovation and creativity. district to foster success in energy use reduction
These facilities prepare both college bound and efficiencies.
and workforce ready students, to meet the Presented By: Jason Mellar & Steve Hulsey
needs of the local economy and the de- - Corgan & Jared Reynolds - Phoenix Union
mands of the global workforce. Attend- High School District
ees will get an understanding of assessing,
evaluating and selecting programs that can
be housed in Career & Technology facilities.
In collaboration with Phoenix Union HSD, Continued on Next Page...
this session will explore the journeys of this
district and showcase their vision for creat-
ing successful facilities. This session will be
presented as an interactive discussion.
Presented By: Steve Hulsey & Sangeetha
Karthik - Corgan & Michelle Gayles - Phoenix
Union High School District