Page 14 - 2017 Spring Conference
P. 14

Purchasing Sessions

         107: Exemptions “Do I have to bid it”                 307: RFP’s - What’s Important -
         Do  you  have  a  full  plate?  Are  you  over-          Criteria/Setting Point System/Scores
         whelmed with all the bids and quotes you  Join us to discuss RFP scoring and what is

         are having to do? This session will visit the  important for your agency. We will discuss
         new exemptions that no longer need to be  options for your agency and provide exam-
         bid or quoted for your district. Come join  ples.  Does your agency use boilerplate cri-
         us to find out areas that will save you time. teria or do you revise the criteria to reflect
                                                               the scope  of  work?   How do  you  deter-
         Presented By: Bill Munch - Valley Schools &           mine the most important criteria score for
         Bobby Williams - Buckeye Elementary School            your agency when scoring a RFP — price
         District                                              or other factors including service and deliv-

                                                               ery? Does it matter if you use 100 or 1000
                                                               point system? Join us as we share what our
                                                               agencies do for best practices.
         207: Contract Administration - How

                 Do Districts Manage Their                     Presented By: Nancy Colbaugh - Mohave Edu-
                 Contracts?                                    cational Services Cooperative, Inc. & Eva Dino
         What’s actually involved with the contract            - Alhambra Elementary School District
         administration  phase  after  award  of  the
         contract? Join this panel discussion to com-
         pare  how  different  Districts  and  Entities
         handle  the  contract  administration  phase  407: Determinations - When and What
         of the public procurement cycle. Hear from          You Need/Samples/New Rules

         different size Districts and Entities on their  Document,  Document,  Document.    How
         process  for  managing  contracts  and  learn  to  make  and  document  your  written  de-
         the issues that come with managing each  terminations.    When  do  you  need  one?
         contract. What’s similar and how do they  What should be included?  This session will
         differ.                                               address compliance and best practices for
                                                               documenting  your  decisions  throughout
         Presented By: Laura Szymanoski - Dysart Uni- the procurement process.
         fied School District & Gary Barkman - Mesa
         Public Schools & Marlon Flamenco - Littleton          Presented By: Cheryl Burt & Christina Pina -
         Elementary School District & Mike Nentwig             Tolleson Union High School District
         - Mohave Educational Services Cooperative,
         Inc. & Jennifer Sheilds- Heinfeld, Meech &
         Co., P.C. & Anita McLemore - Mohave Educa-
         tional Services Cooperative, Inc.

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