Page 11 - 2017 Spring Conference
P. 11
Maintenance & Operations Sessions
104: From Mission Impossible to Possi- 304: M&O vs. Capital Expenditures:
ble Mission: How asphalt maintenance Transforming Existing Facilities into
today will save you $$$ tomorrow 21st Century Learning Spaces
Want to save lots of money on asphalt Today, many Arizona school buildings are
paving? Learn how proper asphalt mainte- 50+ years old and are in need of mainte-
nance now, can save you money in the long nance upgrades and renovations to meet
term by extending the pavement life while the demands of the 21st century changes
also enhancing safety, appearance, and in teaching environments and methods, as
maintaining pavement quality. The pave- well as required technology in building in-
ment preservation process is broken down frastructure, systems and materials to sup-
into easy steps: Preventative, Reactive, and port these changes over time in our grow-
Rehabilitation. Learning what phase your ing suburban communities. In conjunction
pavement lifecycle is in, will help you to with Phoenix Union HSD, this session will
strategize your fiscal future. This presenta- document the Facility Assessment process to
tion on pavement maintenance will help identify and prioritize the required mainte-
you learn how to protect your pavement nance and operations changes, and infra-
investment, not let it become an expensive structure and building design to achieve the
liability. values of the community. This session will
be presented as an interactive discussion.
Presented By: Mike Fisher - Littleton Elemen-
tary School District & Regional Pavement Presented By: Jason Mellard & Bob Erickson
& Steve Hulsey - Corgan & Jared Reynolds
- Phoenix Union High School District & Terry
204: New and Exciting Building Worcester - Scottsdale Unified School District
Presentation to show new technologies
for buildings and building occupants. This 404: Improve Floor Care Productivity in
includes smart phone apps, touch screen a Healthy Way
building management systems, cloud tech- Hillyard would like to present new floor
nologies, etc. Technology everywhere is care technology and the health benefits of
growing at an exponential rate, by staying newer and safer technologies which include
on the forefront of that technology build- Revolutionary Wood Floor Finish, Orbital
ing owners can operate more efficient and Auto Scrubbing and Battery Powered Bar-
effective. nishers. These new technologies have in-
creased the productivity by up to 70% and
Presented By: Brandon Hines & Earl Gray - have helped School Districts manage their
Honeywell & Tony Scarfo - Phoenix Union ongoing budget cuts.
High School District
Presented By: Jim Moore - Hillyard & Tony
Scarfo - Phoenix Union High School District