Page 8 - 2017 Spring Conference
P. 8
Accounting Sessions
101: Conquering Cash Controls 301: Current Year Funding - Part II
Your mission, should you choose to accept Part II: Current year funding is here, now
it: Conquer your district’s cash controls! what? This session will facilitate a discussion
Thwart theft at your district’s bookstore. for school districts on questions related to
Decode your district’s auxiliary operations current year funding. Please come join this
procedures. Master the concept of separa- open discussion and hear innovative ideas
tion of responsibilities. that other districts are using.
Presented By: Elizabeth Whitaker & Valerie Presented By: Melissa Higdon - Tavun Advi-
Culling - Arizona Auditor General sory Services & Scott Heusman - Alhambra Ele-
mentary School District & Lizette Huie - Sahua-
rita Unified School District & Bennie Gemello
- Academy of Tucson
201: Account Coding
Mission Impossible: Use the correct code
for every expenditure and match your
code with every other District in the state! 401: Rethinking Grants Management:
Although this mission is impossible, this ses- Avoiding Common Pitfalls
sion will help you ask the right questions This presentation is designed to assist par-
so that YOU can determine the code you ticipants in avoiding the common mistakes
should use. If you are still not sure, let’s ask that users make within the Grants Man-
each other so that we are as compatible as agement process and Grants Management
possible. Nothing more exciting than the Enterprise (GME) System. Subjects include
Chart of Accounts! the General Statement of Assurance process
and important information GME users can
Presented By: Paul Christensen - Sacaton El- use to ensure they are successful through-
ementary School District out the grant process.
Presented By: Sarah Hendrix - Arizona Depart-
ment of Education Grants Management Divi-