Page 12 - 2017 Spring Conference
P. 12
Human Resources & Payroll Sessions
105: Grow Your Own: Building a 305: Conflict Resolution in the
Professional Development Workplace
Program with Teacher/Employee Handling conflict in the workplace can be
Retention in Mind a challenge. Learn effective strategies for
As the Professional Development Coordi- managing conflict between employees in a
nators of the Sahuarita, AZ district, Mrs. non-threatening manner.
Boyter and Mr. Harcourt will tell the story
of how they developed their professional Presented By: Tom Hancock- Educational Ser-
learning program. One of the significant vices, Inc. & Kristen Vande Water - Peoria Uni-
benefits of the program has been the re- fied School District
cruitment and retention of teachers and
staff. Built on a culture of ongoing profes-
sional learning and sustainability, the Sa-
huarita Professional Learning Institute story 405: Prop 206 Impact on Leave Plans
will focus on four key areas: job embedded Prop 206 was passed in November of
professional learning, follow-up support, 2016. The proposition included elements
in-house facilitator staffing, and collabora- addressing minimum wage and mandatory
tive learning. sick leave for all employees. The manda-
tory sick leave for ALL employees requires
Presented By: Kevin Harcourt & Mary Jo careful planning to properly manage the re-
Boyter- Sahuarita Unified School District quirements for employees such as coaches,
substitute teachers and temporary workers.
This session will review the requirements
of the new law that goes into effect on July
205: HR and Payroll - Playing Nice! 1, 2016 and provide effective strategies for
Basics regarding what typical duties should managing this within your ERP system.
fall to HR vs. Payroll to ensure appropriate
segregation of duties and what are some Presented By: Mike Martinez - MCESA & Jill
best practice strategies to ensure informa- Barragan - Avondale Elementary School Dis-
tion is flowing well between the two de-
Presented By: Candice Crow & Justin Hope -
Dysart Unified School District