Page 18 - 2017 Spring Conference
P. 18
Pre-Conference Agenda
Facilities, Maintenance & Operations
Wednesday, April 5, 2017 2:50 PM
602P: Energy Reduction and Air
Continued... Quality Improvements through
an Innovative
11:10 AM This is an informative presentation regard-
302P: Fire Marshal Update ing a product called Climate Wizard that
Update on new & old codes, policies and uses a unique approach to the cooling in
procedures from Assitant State Fire Marshal hot dry climates such as AZ producing very
Fred Durham and Plan Reviewer/Deputy cold air (down to low to mid 50’s). The
units require very little power compared
Fire Marshal Dan Ierley.
to traditional HVAC and can be retrofit-
Presented By: Fred Durham & Dan Ierley - Of- ted to support existing equipment. With
fice of the Fire Marshal - Inspectors reduced energy consumption the districts
will save money on energy bills. The pro-
cess brings in 100% outside fresh air creat-
12:00 PM ing a clean dry fresh air stream into the
Lunch HVAC system allowing for enhanced air
quality. Our approach would be a show-
case existing school applications and may
12:50 PM possibly include a working demo.
402P: SFB Grant Presentation Presented By: Brad Heckert - Comfort Sys-
Share Vision and Goals. tems USA Southwest & Matt Sculley - Seeley
International & SBO TBA
Presented By: Paul Bakalis & Kerry Campbell -
School Facilities Board
1:50 PM
502P: Training: Intro To New SFB
Training on filling out forms to receive grant
Presented By: David Kennon & Gerry Breuer -
School Facilities Board